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,,My Murad, mu lion." I smiled brightly as Murad kissed the back of my had after I visited him in his chambers. It will take some time for me to get used to see my son in the sultan's chambers instead of my late husband, I guess I just can't accept he's gone.

,,Validem, I am very happy to see you, what brought you in this day, let's hope it's something good." Murad asked me smiling.

,,I wanted to talk to you about the marriage of your sister, Shirin, I think I found a suitable husband for her and I wanted to discuss it with you and hear your opinion about it overall." I proceeded to say.

,,Then we shall sit and talk about it, the marriage of my sisters has also crossed my mind in last few days ." He said as we both sat on the sofa that was standing behind us. 

,,Both me and Shirin think that her future husband should be Onur Ali Pasha, your grand vizier, we've talked about it yesterday, she loves him very much and I think you as her brother can understand her." I said trying to sound convincive.

,,Well, I would like Ali to be her husband also, I mean he's my best friend, I know him  and I'm sure he'll treat her right... Then it's settled, they shall be married once we came back from Cyprus, we don't need to discuss it any further." Murad replied. I kinda knew he would agree to marry off his sister to Ali. But him mentioining cyprus kinda worried me.

,,Cyprus? Muad what are you talking about? Can you hear what you're saying? Did you seriously declare a war on the very first week of your reing, and you didn't even consult me! You could get yourself in so much trouble, I mean you're still very inexperienced!" I said to him with a face full of worriness.

,,No, don't worry, validem. Me and my Divan discussed it and we decided we will declare a war soon, not today, but eventually we'll go. And I'm sorry for not consulting you, I know your very good at politics and diplomatics, but i just felt like I could do this on my own." He replied making me sigh in relief, I almost thought he made such dumb decision.

,,Well that's good to hear, but be safe, take a wellness of our empire in your consideration and be careful when you go to the war, don't be mindless, Murad." I advised my son as he nodded at me.

,,I will do so, validem, don't you worry one bit." He said with an innocent look on his face, he always used that look as a child to get whatever he wants, it made me chuckle as I remembered those sweet memories.

,,Sultanim, don't you think it time to send some concubines to his majesty?" Gulcemal asked me as I was drinking my coffee. I didn't have the idea of how that even appeared in her mind, bask in the day she never really cared with who my sons were with.

,,I do, I thought about that but it was never the right time my lion was occupied the last few days and he needed some rest... You know what, I'll chose a woman for his party right now." I said and in the no time I was in the front of the harem.

,,Make way! Valide Şahuban sultan hazretleri!" Gulcemal shouted making every concubine there was jump on their feet, line up and bow to me. I walked  and watched them, honestly none of them wasn't any special, but I'm sure Murad would not share my opinion.

They all looked same to me and I don't think any of them will have my son's attention for a long time, but I guess I'll have to chose because the sultan can't have only one woman in his bed.

,,Hatun, what's your name?" I asked a girl who was looking down her feet in fear and respect towards me.

,,Maya, sultanim." She said still not daring to look me in my face, she was a really beautiful girl in my opinion, but like I said, nothing really special.

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