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My brows creased as a frown curled onto his face...he maintained his brusque smirk as he walked away.I stared briefly after him and shook my head.whatever I faces,I am determined not to let anything ruin my day,not today,I am happy to be in here and I planned to maintain that feeling for as long as I could.

"And the self conceited witch arrives"

I turned to the sound of the voice and saw two of the female students behind me whispering disdainfully to each other with their gaze at the door.

The other added irritably,"Alright,she got new shoes, show off"

On impulse,my gaze shifted to the door and I watched a girl walk in,she had a black hoodie on her body and the cap partially took in her face,I can't help but wondered if those girls were referring to her or to someone else.Their words beared extreme disdain.

The girl at the door suddenly glanced up and the murmurings instantly died down.She lowered her gaze,walked to the seat beside me and sat;almost immediately,the whisperings went on again.

I wondered more,if they referred to her and if she didn't hear them.Her expression didn't reveal a thing and different questions danced in my head.

"Hello everyone"A lecturer walked in, causing the bickering to gaze dart to her.

"have_"he paused,giving the girl a slight frown"Take it off!"

She lowered her gaze, unzipped the hoodie and pulled it off.Her blonde wavy hair fell behind her lavishly, stopping above her waist.


"You should not always be reminded"the lecturer stated firmly.


I took notice of the subtlety in her voice.

"So I specifically set out something different for your work and like always, it's important that everyone of you do it, I'll ask for it tomorrow"he said, sharing a printed paper to us...At the statement,he packed his books "Now have a nice day!"and with that said,walked out.

I glanced at my seatmate and saw her packing her books as well carefully into her bag,she pulled yet another and began reading.A part of me wanted to say hi though but pushed it aside and attempted to mind my business.

Break  went just as I expected,I was all alone on my booth; accepting the dejected feeling subconsciously,I looked around for her,my blonde-haired seatmate and didn't find her.

Why do I care anyways?

Well cause there's something about her that I really want to know.

I picked at my baked beans and my gaze landed on her,I sighed in relief when her gaze met mine,her eyes,there is something about those eyes.atleast I was getting off the loner zone.I raised my hand and waved briefly at her with a smile but I watched her lowered her gaze from me and turned away.


I sighed,stood up to head back to class,I have night studies to do after all.

After lunch,I head back to class, hopefully praying that today runs fast enough so I can go to the library, talking about library,yeah,the diary,I can't believe I still have that with me.Am just hoping I see the owner.

Soon class ended for the day and everyone made their way home.I picked up my bag, slipped the needed books into my backpack and head home.Apart from the fact that I made no friends as expected;I enjoyed my day so much, listening to teachers talk, feeling the usual school air,it was wonderful.It brought a bright wave of deja Vu to my skin.

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