Chapter 4: Grom. Matt's pov

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We got there in the nick of time. The doors were about to close, but we got in. Yay.

"Well I'm gonna get onstage, I'll see you later Matt!" Gus said to me, and started to leave.

"Wait! Can I go on with you for once?" I ask.

"Of course! Come on!" Gus says, grabbing my wrist and running towards the stage.

We got up on the stage, and Gus grabbed his microphone.

"Hello everybody! Welcome to Grom!" Gus said as everyone turned their eyes to the stage.

"Today, I have my pal Matt with me! Give him a round of applause." Gus says, turning his head to look at me, and like he said, everyone clapped.

"Well, hey! It's my first night up here, so what about it? Are we gonna party, or are we gonna just stand here." I say.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Alright, alright, so, anyone up for open mic before we get the "Grom Monster" out?" Gus says. 

People raise their hand.

"Hmmm... Boscha? Are you gonna be the first one up tonight?" I ask.

"Hell yeah! Let this girl slay." She says, walking up.

"Ahem. Hello! I'm Boscha, and I'll be singing _____" Boscha says.

"Alright. You heard her. Hit it Luz!" I say, with a wide smile."

While Boscha is singing, (which I'm not a fan of.) I catch Hunter on penstagram. I hop down to see what's going on.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"GAHH!" He yells, his face turning red, and hiding his scroll.

"Damn, why do you sound so much like someone from a show I watched- hmmm-" Hunter says.

A/N: Yes, Phineas and Ferb refrence. (Wait I don't think I spelt it right, shi-

Anyway, let's continue.

I look over and see him scrolling through Amity's brother's profile page.

"Hmmm, I wonder who would love to see that hmmm." I say.

"DONT TELL LUZ-" He says super quickly.

I'm boutta end this kid's whole career.

"LUZ! LUZ! COME LOOK!" I steal Hunter's scroll and run to Luz.

"What's so special?" She asked, curious.

"Look! I say."

I showed her the scroll.

"Hmm. I'm impressed you got it, but what's so special? She asks me.

"Look at what he was on!" I show the scroll with Edric's profile on it.

"Oooooo he's dead. Wanna show this to Edric with me?" She asks.

"Yeah!" I say.

We walked over to Edric.

"Hey Edric!" Luz says.

"Hey Mitten's girlfriend and  Mitten's girlfriend's friend's friend." Edric says.

"Well, you know how you have a crush on Hunter, right?" Luz asks, with once again, the cat face.

"I- Erm- uhm.." Edric stutters.

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