Chapter 4: The Dingy Singing Sorting Hat

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"Why is the hat singing?" Amelia whispered to George, who was just as baffled.

"I... think it's to welcome us to Hogwarts?" He shrugged, staring at the hat in front of them with confusion.

The little song soon ended, and the Sorting Hat, as it was introduced, gave a bow before becoming still once more.

Professor McGonagall then stepped forward, a roll of parchment in her hands. "When I call your name, you will take a seat and then try on the hat to be sorted," She instructed, unrolling the parchment. "Adkins, Riley!"

A small boy stepped forward nervously, sliding onto the stool and slowly lowering the hat onto his head. All was silent for a moment, until the hat opened its mouth (Hole? Tear? What was the proper terminology for magic hats?) and shouted. "RAVENCLAW!"

The table second from the left erupted in applause and Riley looked like he might pass out as he scurried over to the table. He quickly covered his ears as he sat, a shaky smile on his face.

Once the applause died down, Professor McGonagall moved on to the next name. "Alario, Elena!"

The girl with the braids from before stepped forward, much less nervous than she had been minutes previous. The hat was much quicker this time, almost immediately shouting "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Things continued in this manner, and Amelia was attempting to keep track of names and houses as they went past. Miles Bletchley was a Slytherin, Roger Davies was in Ravenclaw, and Violet Dawson was in Hufflepuff.

Then, her name was called.

She slid onto the stool and pulled the hat on, pouting a bit as it slid over her eyes. Gee, why would they have such a large hat for eleven year olds?

"Tradition, dear," A voice rang in her head, making her straighten up.

Oh, you must be the Sorting Hat. I'm Amelia Winifred DeLorne, a pleasure to meet you, She thought, for it was only polite to introduce yourself.

"Polite girl, most don't bother introducing themselves nowadays."

Well, you've already made your introduction through that song. I figured I should return the favor.

"Mm, yes. Thank you, but let's get you sorted, shall we?"

Oh yes. Go right ahead.

"Let's see here, I see you're a muggleborn," The hat mused, giving off small hums. "Quite intelligent as well, you take to knowledge like a sponge. But what will you use that knowledge for? That is the question..."

Amelia stood still as the hat did its work, kicking her feet slightly as she waited.

"Quite a bit of wit in here, and I see a bit of mischief as well... My dear, would you have a preference for a house?" The Sorting Hat asked.

Well, I personally find the houses quite ridiculous, if you ask me. She admits. I mean, we're children. Separating us based on personality traits is just putting us in a box that is almost impossible to break out of.

"Big ideas for a small girl," The Sorting Hat laughs lightly. "Do you wish to change it?"

Oh, certainly. Amelia confirms. I recognize I can't do much now, but I'm hoping that in the future I'll be able to get enough influence to make things better.

"I hope you do as well," The hat does something akin to a nod. "It would mean I'd get to retire at last."

Were there any other questions?

"No, I do believe I've made a decision. This is most peculiar for a muggleborn, but I believe it better be- SLYTHERIN!"

The table second from the right gave a great applause. Amelia slid the hat off and ate it back on the stool, turning to go to her new table. She caught a look of disbelief and grief on Fred and George's faces, returning it with a broad smile and a thumbs up.

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