Chapter 5: The Tricky Classmates

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The dormitories were impressive, that was for sure. It might be due to the fact that she was only rooming with two other girls, but it was quite spacious. Each girl had their own four-poster bed with their trunks already placed at the front of them. There was a bookshelf along one wall, filled with old scrolls and some more modern-looking books. There was also some shelving and a mirror for the girls to use. The room had a green and grey color scheme, with stone walls, plants set here and there, and a window with an underwater view.

Amelia loved it. She loved how the cool stone on the walls transitioned to a warm wooden floor, covered by the plush rug. She loved how the room was pleasantly cool- not unbearable, but just enough to snuggle under a blanket. She loved the English ivy and string-of-pearls and snake plants. They were a little reminder that while her life has taken a sharp turn, there were still things that stayed constant.

She hoped one of her dormmates knew how to care for them, though. Amelia killed any plant she touched.

"Woah, this is so sick!" One of her new roomies cried, kneeling on the little alcove in front of the window. "Can you believe we're actually underwater?"

Her bright green eyes took in the scene before her, quickly turning around to look at the rest of the room. She then walked around each of the beds, a smile spreading wide across her face. "What bed do you guys want?"

The other girl shrugged off her cloak and flopped onto the nearest bed, her curly hair splaying out. "These are comfy. Hogwarts goes all out."

The energetic one nodded, sitting criss-cross on the bed closest to the window. "Okay so I know they said names during the Sorting Ceremony, but I definitely wasn't paying attention, so can we introduce ourselves?"

Amelia perked up, hopping on the bed in the middle. "I'm Amelia Winifred DeLorne. Hope we can get along."

The girl smiled widely, tilting her head. "I'm Jane Moore!"

Jane was almost elvish, in a way, with a slight point to her ears, an upturned nose, and a crooked smile. Her red hair was kept in a messy bun, and her green eyes shone with mischief. Nonetheless, there was a kindness in them that made Amelia think she would make a good friend.

The girl to Amelia's left groaned, slowly sitting up and fixing her glasses. "Keziah."

"Any last name?" Amelia asked, curious.


Okay, so she's short with her words. But it didn't seem to be in a malicious way. More like... regretful, and annoyed.

Keziah was taller than both Jane and Amelia, (though most people were taller than her already). Her dark skin seemed to glow in the dim candlelight, her curls bouncing as she stretched her back out. There were some white patches of skin on her hands, and once she took off her glasses, Amelia spotted some around her eyes and across her nose.

Keziah narrowed her silvery eyes at Amelia, letting out a huff. "Something the matter?"

"You have vitiligo?" She asked before she could stop herself, leaning forward. "I haven't seen it before, though I've read a bit about it. Did you know that if you had some on your scalp, that you could get a white streak in your hair? I think that's cool."

Keziah rolled her eyes, setting her glasses on the stand next to her bed. "Yeah, my mom has it too, so..."

"I think it looks awesome!" Jane pipes up. "I mean, you both look great, honestly."

"Thanks!" Amelia hums, brushing her hair back. She's never really thought about her own looks before. Her mother took care of her hair and bought her clothes.

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