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Okay hi. Been a while lmao. Here to give an explanation and what to expect going forward.

Let's start with where I've been:

First of all, I kinda fell out of writing for a bit. I've more been focused on building my original stories, a few including fanfics, but mostly focused on an idea for a video game, which doesn't require much writing as it does plot work and art. So most of my creative energy is going into that

Secondly, I've said this in my activity but school fecking sucks butts and I have so little time to actually work on stuff lmao. I'm taking a lot of college classes for my last year in high school, which means a lot of work. On top of that, I'm learning Spanish on the side for the qsmp and rereading the Harry Potter books to prepare for seeing The Cursed Child performed in May. So yeah, very little time for a lot else.

Third, low-key I've been out of the Harry Potter fandom. I still love it though and I'm rereading the books, so I have hopes for getting back into it.

All that to be said, I haven't exactly been thriving in the writing area. But that doesn't mean I'll be dropping this altogether. So here's the plan: going forward, my mha fic will continue to be on hiatus while I attempt to work on this story to get back into writing. I don't know when I'll go back to fully writing this again, so updates may be sporadic. But I'll do my best to update every couple of weeks.

Not many people read this story, but my other fic has a bit more. If enough of you are interested, I might make a Discord for my writing. Honeslty it would just be a place for people to talk about whatever with others who think the same. If that's something people are interested in do let me know!

That's all I have for now though. I'll continue to post updates in my activity, and any future news for this story here. Thank you all!

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