The Malevolence

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The Nether Fortress

"I cannot accept this post any longer", Naeus would speak. King Glutton would shake his head, in disagreement. "You lost hardly a number of troops in the defense, and despite its humiliation, it is not as bad as it seems. You are a General. All Generals lose at one point." Naeus would hang his head in shame. "The casualties suffered by our forces under my command are unacceptable, and to but a single enemy. I cannot allow myself to stain my family name with further losses. I will not be a General any longer." "This is preposterous!", an enraged Abigail would cry out. "You won! All great Generals have casualties! And besides, I doubt any less would have died under someone else's command! Please, Naeus, don't do this!", she would say, nearly on the verge of crying.

"I am sorry. But I have failed my Kingdom. A General I deserve to be no longer", he would say, kneeling and bowing. Glutton would sigh, knowing that there was nothing he could do to change Naeus' mind. He was a man of strict tradition, and an even stricter Code of Honor. "Will you at least accept a post as Colonel, then?", Glutton would say, hopeful that the Royal Nether Army would not lose such a fine and strategic commander. Naeus would nod his head, and stand up. "Our offer is always open... Colonel Naeus", Glutton would say with a sigh, granting him permission to leave. The Princess would start to chase after him, though Glutton would motion for her to stop, respecting the new Colonel's decision.

Frostbourne Tundra, Frostbourne Train

The trip home had been silent for the most part, as the troops and commanders alike tended to the wounded and to their own wounded pride. Several hundred had been lost in Dreadfort City, and it was no time of rejoicement nor celebration. The mood was quite somber, and morale was at an all time low.

The train, named the "Glacies Imperator" by its veteran crew, went fast through the soft and icy snow. Patrick's behavior worried some of his friends and allies, notably Augustow and Daryll, who on numerous occasions had tried to offer him consolation over the loss of Lady Azura, someone who he valued dearly, though few knew how deep that love really went.

"Are you sure you are all right, my Lord?", Captain Augustow would ask, concerned for the Grand Master's safety and sanity. "Your behavior has been a bit worrying, if I may", Daryll would add, walking over and sitting down near Patrick. Both knew that their efforts were futile, but they persisted nevertheless.

"Just give me time... and peace", the Grand Master would respond, turning away from them both and staring out the window, looking at the desolate frost that covered much of their home. Both Augustow and Daryll would leave, at least satisfied they had tried their best, greetings Lady Stella, who was herself entering the room to give her best shot at it.

"May I be of any help, my Lord?", she would ask Ser Patrick, as she could see him visibly grieving in his sad little corner. He would shake his head, motioning for her to give him time with his thoughts. "Rain likely needs you more than I do", he would say as she left the room, a thought she decided she would consider.

Walking into the lounge in which Rain resided, it seemed incredibly sorrowful, even in comparison to the mood of the rest of the train. Rain sat alone, staring at the window, the tears on his face reflecting on the window despite his attempt to hide them. He would not acknowledge her, despite her knocking on the open door several times to get his attention.

Using her abilities to empathize with him, she would sit down across from him, sharing his view of the empty, frosty landscape. "It must not be easy losing someone so close to you, huh?", she would ask, knowing that he likely wouldn't give her an answer. They sat in silence for several minutes. "No. Not in the slightest", he would respond, his voice somewhat dry and gravely.

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