The Old Guard

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Frostbourne City

Azura, having made good progress on her recovery, walks outside with Patrick, thankful to see her healthy enough to walk again. "Thank God you're okay", he would say, his voice stern and as emotionless as possible. He didn't like to admit it, but he had a soft spot for her. And it was showing, though awkwardly.

Azura would give a forced chuckle, trying to ease the mood. Patrick's smile would quickly revert back to his stone-cold face, unbreaking and unmoving, ever. It was a projection of strength to the Frostbourne peoples. One that they needed now more than ever.

Sighing, Patrick would speak. "As much as I may like to think so, you did not request to take a walk with me solely to reminisce and spend time together", the Grand Master would say, looking out beyond the horizon, watching the sun rise in the early morning. Azura would nod, and proceed with her statement.

"I have reason to believe I know where Castle Dreadnought, the infamous, supposedly unfindable undead stronghold, is in relation to our location", Azura would say. Patrick would turn, surprised. "And how do you know this? Were you not recovering in the hospital this entire time?", he would ask, sounding slightly annoyed.

Azura would nod. "Of course", she would respond, "But I needed something to do while I was there, so I requested that they bring me my maps and charts, which I have finished and I believe I have made them as accurate as possible". Patrick would shake his head. "This could turn the tide of the war", he would add.

Azura would nod, acknowledging the importance of her findings. "I will ask Captain Augustow to assemble a small Army at first light", she said, making a mental note of all of the preparations for the mission. But Patrick would cut her off there. "No. Our Army is weak as it is. We cannot make it weaker by sending exhausted and mentally injured troops to a slaughterhouse", he would say.

Azura would sigh in frustration. "So what do you suppose we do, my Lord? We have little practical alternatives, she would add. "Daryll has convinced several of the most skilled bandit and mercenaries we can find to cooperate with us, in exchange for receiving first pick at whatever loot we find in the Castle."

Astonished, the Lady would shake her head. "What if they don't cooperate? We cannot trust those who work for money! Everything has a price tag to them, and frankly, I do not feel safe going into battle with someone who is only there to steal after the fighting". Patrick would turn, looking at her. "And our alternative? Sending our men to die in Herobrine's slaughterhouse? I will have none of it. My decision is final."

"But my Lord!", Azura would begin to protest, but the Grand Master would raise his hand to silence her. "We ride at first light. I have already informed them of everything. The Enchantress will come with us, and as for Rain... his whereabouts remain unknown, but we shall find out about him soon enough." He would walk off, leaving Azura to contemplate on the offer. She was sick of being sidelined. But this was suicide.

Castle Dreadnought, Far Mountains

Herobrine, shaken and scared, calls a meeting with his remaining Generals, Spovic and Blackbone. "In my dreams... I have heard warnings. I fear our time is up. The White Legionnaire has returned." Spovic and Blackbone would both look at Herobrine, and then at each other in shock. They had fought tooth and nail to ensure that he had been put away for good, but their efforts, and losses, had been in vain.

"Blackbone", Herobrine would address him, with the Wight Commander standing to attention. "I fear that the location of Castle Dreadnought has been compromised. I can remain here and defend in case of attack, but I want you to take a Wither Skeleton Army up along the Sixth Trail, where we buried that monstrosity. Make sure he is still there, and report your findings. He cannot know where we are, or we are done for sure."

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