The unspoken vow

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" didn't have to find out, you know."

"I didn't, but why wouldn't I?"

Reginvalt and Valerie both watched—one from a distance, the other up close—as the body of Ulric's clone slowly turned to ash. Reginvalt knew by the sight, but Valerie likely knew it the moment she plunged the knife into the fallen's body. In silence, she glared at the body. Then, she turned away from it. Turning her attention to the walls of the space, Valerie—


Now, I think we already know what happened next, so there really is no need to go over it again—isn't that right? She harnessed dark magic to tear down the place, destroying it and almost us with it. I reckon the dangerous situation she created back there was partially intentional. What is life without a little excitement...right?

Yeah, so we're done with that scene. Please, don't concern yourself with it—


—cried out—


Hey, hey, hey. What did I just say? That scene is finished. I'm sure that you agree. Don't you agree? Right now, the most interesting thing in front of you is yours truly, hanging mid-air above an invisible stage before an invisible audience. You need only focus on me. I wonder why I can't effectively circumvent that slip. Maybe I really am losing. That would normally not make much sense, given that this is my kingdom, under my constant supervision, and comfortably within my control. No logic can explain why I could possibly be caught off guard this way.

But if it's—


Back in Rectitia, the warrior princess thought hard, though not very long, about the intruder.

"Fairy magic," she mumbled under her breath, "He was controlled by fairy magic."

"While not being a fairy himself?" King Alasdair asked, leaning back into his chair.

"He himself was human." Valerie nodded. "The message is: a fairy—or a group of fairies, or the whole of Mecrisdale, even—declares war on you, Alasdair Castemont, the king of man."

"Hm." It was almost a chuckle, barely a breath. The King smiled. "That would be so very odd, would it not? Considering that the person who now sits on the throne of Mecrisdale pays unsolicited visits to my private study to deliver jewelry."

"Yes, quite odd."

"You will pay Mecrisdale a visit?"

"I will."

"This time, without a souvenir."

"Without a souvenir." There came a twinkle in her gold-tinted eyes.


Mecrisdale was a lot dimmer that night. Normally, the fairies cared as little for the time of day as they did for personal space. Valerie closed the portal to her room. That room, at least, still looked and felt the same as always. No matter the situation outside, as long as Reginvalt was still on the throne, this room would be preserved exactly the way she wanted it to be—even if everything else changed, this room would not. She hovered to the windows, drawing the curtains apart just enough to peep through. As expected, there wasn't much to see.

The waterdrops normally hovering—though dimmed—in her room were gone. All of what she was seeing and all of what she was not seeing pointed to the same speculation. Perhaps against her better judgment, Valerie stepped out of her room and headed to King Reginvalt's study.

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