Volume 4: Finding Band Patches For Eddie

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You sometimes go out and find cool merch of Eddie's favorite bands. Then, you would find some patches you could put on one of jackets.

Hesitantly, you would buy one for him because you're unsure if he would like it.

When you gave him the patch, he was absolutely stocked. Next day at school, you see the patch on his jacket. He would show it to you immediately with the biggest smile on his face.

Eddie is in love with it and had a big smile on his face when you gave it to him. So, you went back out after a while and got him a Black Sabbath patch for his birthday.

This man absolutely melted when he saw it and as soon as he got home, he put it on his jacket. He is literally so thankful for the patches you give him.

For holidays, you would always give him a couple of patches. He would give you so many kisses and he always points them out every once in a while.

Eddie would tell everyone in Hellfire about them and says they should be jealous that they don't have a s/o like he does.

He loves them and genuinely appreciates you getting him patches for his jacket(s) and more. Eddie has just ben so sweet about them and he reminds you that he likes the patches a lot.

He has noticed that he has a small collection of patches because of you. They are either on his jacket(s) or in a little box on his dresser. All of them are his bands, or even ones he has barely talked to you about. 

Whenever Eddie misses you, mainly because the two of you haven't hung out in a few days, he would open the box of patches and just look at them for a couple minutes and have a huge smile on his face. His uncle tells him it's sweet.

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