Chapter 1

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Another day filled with work and parts. Being a princess has a lot of responsibility, but I need to show my parents I'm worthy of taking over the throne. That I'm responsible enough for these duties. I have to show them.

Hi, My name is Alisa. Alisa Agnello. I'm 25 and I'm going to work hard to become the next queen after my mother! Only problem is... They think I'm not qualified enough to become queen. But I'll show them! I'll show them that I can become queen even under the stress of a war!!!

Alisa walks down the long hallway, passing by some maids and guards on the way. Alisa picks up her pace, looking around the various of doors.

First duty of becoming the queen, memorize every room. Even if it means making a layout of the whole castle to memorize each one. It's important to remember rooms so you don't accidentally walk in on two people making out... Ew

Alisa made her way to the end of the hall, knocking on the door before her.

"You may come in."

Alisa does so and opens the door to reveal her father sitting at his desk, working on papers while a butler next to him is ripping up the letters her father is giving him.

"Father, I apologize for interrupting you but this is extremely important!" Alisa started, getting her father's attention.

"Say it." He spat out, handing his Butler a letter before giving Alisa his full attention.

"I want to be in charge of the maids." Alisa said, shocking her father.

"You want to become the head maid? Even when you are so close to becoming the queen?" Her father asked, standing up.

"Yes. I think I am capable of being the head maid! I can teach a group of women from the village to work and think like maids. " Alisa said calmly. She walked a bit closer to her father's desk.

"If that's what you wish for. Then be it. If you fail to get these women jobs after a year has passed, you will not be crowned queen and you sister will take your place." Her father said. "Now go. I need to finish up my work."

With that, Alisa left the room with a sigh. She doesn't have much experience with working around the house, but she'll do anything to help out the ladies from the village if it means learning with them as the days go on.
-end of chapter 1-

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