Chapter 2

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Alisa was walking through the halls again, but this time she made her way to the Maid Headquarters. Yes, they have a Maid Headquarters. They have daily meetings, discussing schedules and their daily payments. It's a pretty nice room too, the walls decorated with pictures of each of the Maid's family. Scattered around the room were a few beds, next to those beds were nightstands with books and some had glasses of water.
Alisa stopped in front of the door, knocking softly before walking in. The maids met their gaze with the princess, some shocked mad some gazed because the princess just entered the room smiling with glee.

"Princess Alisa! What brings you to our headquarters?" A maid, known as Jonah broke the silence. Jonah has her brown hair is a high ponytail, he fair skin contrasting with her dark green eyes.

"Well, I came to anounce that starting today, I will be the head maid!" Alisa anounced to the room. A sudden silence filled the room, that was until Jonah broke it with an irritated smile.

"Excuse me princess Alisa but how can you be the head maid when you are not a maid yourself?"

Alisa flipped her strawberry blond hair to the side and with a smirk placed a hand underneath her chin.

"Oh for I am the princess and I was given permission to do this for your information." The ex head maid scrunched up her nose while the tomboy maid raised her hand.

"Then that means we don't have to clean your room?" Scottie stated, making the room turn to her attention.

Alisa looked to the side, "Not necessarily, I was thinking of making each maid a new schedule with their own proper duties. I'll be cleaning my room most of the time but occasionally ask one of you to clean it."

"If that's the case when will we get our new schedules?" Jonah asked, the others turning their attention to the princess.

"Once I find women from the village to teach." Alisa anounced, making the maids look at her with widened eyes.

"Wait, you're telling us you are going to be teaching women from the village to be maids when you don't have any experience?! I'm sorry princess but this is absurd." A maid known as June stated as he placed her hands of her hips. June had some of her hair tucked behind her ear, making her bob seem shorter.

"I promised to my father that I'll teach these maids well and you will respect his decision." Alisa said as her final statement. Making the maids go silent while looking back at each other with glances.

"I will be taking my leave and start gathering some volunteers." Alisa walked through the door, walking down the hall to the entrance of the castle.

'This is going to be a busy day...'
-end of Chapter 2-

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