mixtapes & mistakes (herringrove)

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Steve harrington and Billy hargrove hated eachover - or so others thought, in reality they where quite close almost best friends but neither knew  that the others feelings for eachover so when billy takes steve for a drive will Steve make a move or a mistake?


"Oi Harrington!" Billy called as he pulled up next to the former king of hawkins high in his iconic 1979 blue Camaro;

"What do you want hargrove." Steve spat, trying to hide the fact he was happy to see his frenime.

"Whats with the tone pretty boy?" Billy teased "thought you'd be happy to see me~" steve let out a light chuckle as he asked again "what do you want hargrove?" But in a much softer tone

"Wanna go for a ride?"

"Always" steve smiled as he got into the car before billy sped off. After awhile of talking, joking and bickering the two made it to the quarry on the outskirts of the small town of hawkins Indiana. The boys got out of the car and leaned against the hood, takeing in the fresh air before it was spoiled by the smell of cigarette smoke.

Steve Turned round to see where the smoke was coming from and unsurprisingly it was from billy. . .typicall. . .Billy glanced over to the brunette before takeing ine more puff, gently letting go if the smoke and handing the cigarette to steve,

"You want a go?" Steve didn't answer he just took the stick and copying billy. The two continued takeing turns while they talked to eachover about all sorts of things before billy mentioned;

"Oh! I almost forgot" he perked up a bit at the memory "i got blacm sabbath tickets! You wanna go?" He beemed

"B-black sabbath?"

"Yeah!" Billy said in a tone that borderd excitement and sarcasm "oh my god dont tell me you dont know black sabbath!?"



Steve just stayed quiet in response before takeing another turn of the cigarette

"Come on, you have to know them!" Billy yelled in shock "y'know!  War pigs?"

Steve shook his head.

"Sleeping village?"

Agian, he shook his head.


"Nope!" Steve replied both embarrassed by his lack of knowledge  and amused by how wound up the taller boy was about this.

"What about the band jadas priest? AC/DC? Motörhead? LED ZEPPELIN!?"

"Nope, mabey?, no and no"

"I- you know what? Stay here" billy quickly stomped out the cigarette before scurrying of into the car and retrieveing a cassette and loading the car radio with it and presing olay "now pretty boy, you can finally here real music" he smirked returning to a slightly offended steve

"HEY! i do listen to real music!"

"What like the bangles?"

"I- no!" Steve stutterd

"OMG YOU DO DONT YOU!" Billy laughed before being interrupted by a loud mix of drums and guitars "this my dear king is real music" he smirked as the voice of vince Neil took over the radio

"It just sounds like noise" steve groaned

"Good noise" billy corrected

"Whatever you say stevie nicks"

"I know her!" Steve smiled finally getting one of billys refrances

"Go you i guess" he chuckled. The two sat listening to all sorts of "good noise" on the radio such as: Ozzy Osbourne, Twisted Sister, Metallica and many more. As they listened to the music steve couldn't help but sneak a couple of glances towards billy, watching him as he sung along to the music while bopping his head - it was no secret that Steve had feelings for his fake enime but he had no clue how the other felt. . .

Billy could feel steves eyes on him but decided to ignore it but before long he started to get uncomfortable so he did what he does best and teased the smaller boy,

"Harington i can feel you stareing holes in my beautiful head"

"I- um- no i wasn't!" Steve quickly got flustered, his cheeks burning up which amused billy. Unaware to steve billy had feelings for him so when he saw the flustered boy infront of him he knew he had a shot. He slowly moved his hand to steves, connecting their pinkys and looking into his eyes.

"Calm down pretty boy~" he smirked "i was only joke-" he was cut of my the feeling of a pair of lips against his, it was steve! The brunette quickly pulled away as they sat in a breif moment of silence.

"Steve-" billy began before being cut of again by steve

"Fuck im sorry! I- i read the situation wrong and your probably not even gay and ive made a huge mistake and you probably think im disgusting and i- fuck billy im so so sooo sorry!" The boy rambled on before billy could even say enything.

"Steve, steve, STEVE" he tried to snap the boy out his panic but to no avail so instead he lifted his chin up with his hand and kissed him, it took steve by surprise but he quickly melted into it as the boys moved in sync, there lips fitting together like peices in a jigsaw - ment to be together - the two continued for a while before breaking apart for air.

"Steve~ i really like you"

"I like you two" he smiled "like alot"

The two smiled at eachover before sharing one last kiss and getting back into the car and driving back to steves where they spent the rest of the night curled up watching a film. . .


Yooo first one shot in this collection! Sorry ik its shitty but oh well xD

My phone screen is all kinds of fucked up so i can barely see it as it is so hopefully it didn't cause to much shit lol

Hope you liked it and im happy to here suggestions for other oneshots :)

Word count: 986

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