caught (steddie)

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Steve knocked on the rusted door of the run down trailer in the equally run down trailer park. He sighed as he was met with no answer, the light was still on. . .

"Come on munson" steve thought as he waited for his boyfriend to open the door. He and Eddie had been dateing since the vecna incident. He noticed how only eddies ban was parked outside and the door was open so steve being the genius he is walked straight in - normally that would be wierd but its steve and eddie so weird is just normal - Steve wanders into the trailer, the sound of Metallica filled his ears as he wandered over to the source of what he called "noise and shit".

"Hey babe im here-" he anounced before realiseing who was there. Eddie ofcourse but he was sat next to Byers and Henderson. . .

Steves eyes darted between the three as he slightly panicked inside. The thing is, steve wasnt out yet and eddie was keeping on the down low, only steve and robbin knew he was gay so Steve stated to panic! He just outed him and his boyfriend!

"Babe- BABE!?" Dustin shouted in astonishment

"No! I-i ment bro!" Steve sputtered and Eddie scofd in amusement


"Language Henderson!" The two older boys scolded

"Jeeze you really are like my perents" he rolled his eyes "but seriously are you two dateing!?"

The two stayed silent, glancing at eachover trying to figure out what to say. . .

"Yeah Henderson, we are." Eddie started before his tone became cold and menacing "and if you tell anyone. . .teeth wont be the only thing your missing"

Dustin took in a sharp breath slightly scared of the metal head that towerd aboth him "i- um congrats i guess?"

"Yeah congrats!" Will finally chirped up (they moved back after they defeated vecna)

"Thanks byers" steve smiled "so why are you two fuckers here?"

"Well stevie" eddie smirked "we're working on a new totally amazing hellfire campaign!" He continued dramatically pointing towards the mess of papers, dice, figures, ect scattered across the floor.

"Oh ok" Steve said unamused

"Whats wrong stevie? To amazed to speak?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever" he smiled as Eddie pecked his cheek before pulling him to the floor to sit with the younger boys. Steve layed his head on eddies lap as he listened to the three talk about some random d&d stuff that made no sense to steve but it made eddie happy so it Steve could listen to it forever~


After what felt like hours to Steve the 2 kids finally left. But before will left he turned to Steve;

"Hey um- can i talk to you?"

"Sure kiddo" steve gave a warm smile "whats up? "

Will hesitate before finally blurting out "i-i think im gay but i don't know because ive never l-liked a uh- a girl and i think i like mike and-"

"Woah calm down Byers" steve chuckled "you like mike? As in wheeler?"

"Y-yeah. . .does that make me gay?"

"Well if you only like guys then yeah but you could also like girls and be bi like me or you don't even need to lable it! But yeah if you like mike and people like Mike then safe to say your gay" steve smiled

"oh. . ." A faint blush spread across wills face "so what should i do?"

"Do you know if mike likes guy's?"

"I dont know- i mean he's still with el. . ." Will sighed

"No he's not!" Eddie interrupted, shooting from the small kitchen "little twerp got dumped last week, had an argument with wizard girl"

"Oh- OH!"

"Well i suggest finding out if he likes guys before you make a move" steve noted

"Thanks!" Will chirped before giveing Steve a tight hug and running of to his bike. . .

"Ah young love" eddie chuckled as he wrapped his arms around steve and rested his head on his shoulder, steve chuckled before turning around to hold his boyfriend. Eddie started to leave small kissed and love bites on steves neck, steve let out soft moans in response~

"My uncle wont be in for a while~" eddie smirked before leading his boyfriend to his room and turning up the volume on the cd player. . .

Ill let you imagine the rest ;)


(A/n) hey hey hey just thought id post a quick chapter! This was based on a tiktok that I saw but cant remember who it was by (TwT) enyway some exiting news 🥁🥁🥁 IM GOING TO HELLA MEGA TOMORROW!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! Im literally shakeing oh my God

Enyway word count: 777

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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