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"Wait soulmates?" Max asked confused as she stared at el. Max and el where sat in hoppers cabin haveing anouther sleep over when max asked el if she was able to find peoples crushes by infiltrating there minds but to her surprise el turned around and said "yes but I can probably find peoples soulmates".

"Well i think so enyway"

"So how do you find them?" The ginger questioned further

"I dont know really, its just a feeling?"

"How did you find that out?"

"I-" she trailed of trying to decide if she should say or not "mike"

"Aw no way! You and mike are soulmates?" Max smiled

"No- can you keep secret?" Els interjected her tone more serious.

". . .yes?" Suspicion rose within max as she tried to think of another answer

"Mike and. . .will. . ."

"Oh. . .oh! . .OH!" Max gasped in surprise "but you and mike-"

"Broke up."

"Oh. . .you ok?" Empathy laced max's voice,


A silence fell over the girls as max tried to think of a response but couldn't think of enything. Suddenly the static fuzz of the walkie talkie erupted into the room, a crackled voice barely getting through the white noise,

"Max do you copy? Over." It was dustin, max grabed the device and spoke into it;

"Copy, over"

"Is el with you? Over" Dustin asked

"Yeah why?"

"Say over."

"Really dustin?" Max said in a annoyed tone which was met with silence from the boy on the ogher end ". . .over" she sighed

"Do you two wanna have a movie night at steves? Over"

Max and el shared a look, both silently agreeing before max replied

"Sure, be there soon. Over"


The two girls entered steves house to see eddie munson and Steve fighting over the remote while the Robin, Dustin, mike, will and lucus watched. Since defeating vecna steve and eddie started getting really close like reeeaaallly close, max and el joked that they were the mum and dad of the group and that they argued like a married couple but come to think of it, it was odd how close they where. . .

"MAX, EL! HELP ME OUT HERE!" Steve called as eddie jumped on his back as an attempt to get the remote of the taller boy who raised them above his head, max and el just chuckled and joined the others watching them in amusement. The group made snacks and gathered round to watch a film, after alot of arguing they decided on 'critters'. Max and el shared the love seat while steve, robin and Eddie sat on the larger couch - robin had her legs lying atop the two boys laps and steve was leaning on eddie - mike, will, lucas and Dustin sat on the floor leaning against the couch.


After the movie ended the group decided to chat for a bit when max had an idea;

"Hey el~" she wisperd


"Wanna tell them about the soulmate thing?"

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