Chapter 1

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Olly's POV

I am in a rocking chair looking at the fire with a blanket cuddling me. It is cold and the only light showing is the moon and the fire. A tear rolls down my face. I bury my face in my chest, then it fades out.

*3 years ago*

It's my first day here. Red, orange and yellow leaves are falling from the trees. I'm walking to go inside the school, but then I notice some guys making fun of a boy. A girl tugs me to the side and says "don't do anything it'll only make it worse" I nod and head inside the college. When I get inside a bunch of people are talking, waiting for the teacher to come. I sit down next to a girl with brown curls, blue eyes and darker skin. She was kind of small, I didn't notice before until she got up.

She was beautiful, when she came back from the teachers desk she smiled at me and I smiled back. The teacher then came into the classroom. "Okay class" the teacher said "we are going to pick partners for the chemistry project. For the chemistry project we are going to mix chemicals together to make them foam up but before it gets to be to much you are going to make it stop with other chemicals."

The teacher kept talking but I zoned out. The next thing I knew was the girl was asking me to be her partner. "Uhhh what?" I said not knowing what she meant by partner. "Never mind" she said walking away. "Wait" I said " it's not that I don't want to be your partner it's that- she cut me off saying "you don't like people with darker skin or your family wouldn't want me around you, I've heard it before." "What? No it's not that, it's that I don't know what you mean by partner." I said but she didn't look convinced. "The chemistry project?" She said with a hint of confusion. "What? We have a chemistry project?" I said and she clearly thought I was lying. "Ms. Spiker just talked to us about it." She said annoyed "oh I must have zoned out." I said a slight chuckle at the end.

"Wow" she said "you lied that much just so I could think you weren't racist" and walked away. I was taken aback not knowing what do to. "Wait" I said. She turned around "what's your name?" "Madison Brooke" she responded. Then walked out the door and I just stood there. "ATTENTION! THERE IS A TORNADO PLEASE WALK IN A ORDERLY LINE TO THE BASEMENT, THANK YOU" the speaker screamed. I was alone in the classroom and I didn't know where the basement was.

I went out the door but the halls were cleared "hello?" I said waiting for a response. "Helloooo!?" I said now screaming. I walked down the halls to the stairs to turn the corner and see a group of people laughing with Maddison in the middle with her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. She looked up realizing I was there and her eyes widened. I moved closer just to see someone else's hand over her mouth. I pushed him and his hand slid off her mouth.

"What's your name?" I asked hovering over him. "Mi- Michael" he said not scared but the wind knocked out of him. "Go to the basement" I said trying to be intimidating. "No" he said with a slight laugh. "Go" I said putting a little weight on his hand with my foot. He slid my foot of his hand and I fell on my face. He walked away. Maddison helped me get up. "You know? I tried to call out to you." She said. "Yeah I know, thanks." I responded. 

When we got to the basement people were staring at us. We walked into the corner of the room. We talked about ourselves and told jokes. When the teacher told us it was okay to go, we left and went to her apartment. When we got to the door she unlocked it and there was a letter on the floor, Maddison picked it up and sighed. "What is it?" I asked. "Bills" she responded clearly annoyed.

Someone knocked on the door, she opened it slightly then opened it all the way. "If you don't pay me by tomorrow I'm kicking you out." A voice said sternly. "Kay" she said looking down at the floor. Then closed the door. "You know if you can't pay the bills- I'm not saying you can't but I could pay them or at least a portion of it." I said trying to be as polite about it as possible. 

"You just wanna move in together?" She asked leaning on the table next to her.  "Yeah" I quickly responded. " I mean if that's okay with you?" "Yeah" she said kind of confused. "I just need to talk with my landlord." "Yeah me too" I said as she walked to the fridge. "You want anything?" She asked looking over to me. "Uh no thank you." I said. She turned back to the fridge and shut it. Then walked over to the pantry I laughed as she was looking for something to eat. She pulled out some chips, walked back to the fridge and pulled out some salsa. She walked over to the couch grabbing the remote, I sat next to her.

She pulled up Netflix and looked in the section teen movies. She clicked on a movie called after. I got up to close the curtains and turn off the lights so the only light showing was the tv. She started the movie and opened the bag of chips, the bag making so much noise you couldn't hear the tv. "You know usually people open their bags before they start the movie" I whispered. "Sorry" she whispered back. "It's okay" I chuckled. She was still trying to open the bag. I took it from her opened the bag and grabbed a chip before giving it back. "So you did want something" she whispered.

I chuckled at the statement. 

After we watched the movie I stood up to go get something to drink "oooh!" She said excitedly. "What?" I asked confused. "There's 2 more!" She responded. "What?" I said walking over to see what see was talking about. "Oh no" I said she looked up at me "what?" she said concerned. "I'm not watching those with you" I chuckled. "Why?" She asked looking sad. I got up and walked to the fridge "because" I started "they're just not my kind of movie." "Please" she begged "I got to get to my apartment anyway." I said. "Kay" she said "bye!" I chuckled "bye."

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