Chapter 2

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When I got back to my apartment I decided to call my landlord tomorrow since it was getting late I went to brush my teeth in the bathroom when my phone rang. I picked it up, it was my mom what was she doing calling this late? I answered it. 

Olly? My mom said. "Uh yeah it's me" I responded. "Olly your father is sick, you need to come home" she said worried. "WHAT!? sick with what?" I said. "Olly honey, I need to go I'll explain when you get here, love you." She said. "Love you too but-" she hung up. 

I never really liked my family but this was for my dad, I needed to go home. I called the American Airlines and got a plane ticket leaving early tomorrow. I decided to call school to tell them I would be gone. I picked up my phone and dialed the number. Then held it up to my ear.

"Hello this is Karen Rode calling from Mrs. Randall's office." She said, "Hi this is Olly Carson I will not be here for a few weeks because of family." I said quickly wanting to get started packing already. "Okay and why exactly will you be out?" She said so calmly it made me want to scream. "That's personal" I said sternly "Okay have a great day" she said then I hung up and started packing. 

I didn't need to pack much because I have only been here for a week. I grabbed all my clothes off        from the floor and put them in my suitcase, then went to bed.

The next day I got up, got my suitcase and phone and started driving to the airport. When I got there it said that my flight was delayed by five hours! So I went to go get sonic. When I got there I ordered a route 44 diet mango coke and 8 mozzarella sticks. When the guy came out he fell and spilled it all over me. "Oh I'm so sorry" he said beginning to get up. "No it's okay" I said trying to be nice even though I was mad. "Here, I'll go get more." He said running back. "And get me some napkins to please!" I yelled hoping he heard me. Soon enough he came out with a Diet Coke, mozzarella sticks and napkins. "Here" he said handing me the napkins. "Thanks" I said cleaning myself off while he stood there. When I was done I held out my hands and he gave me my food and drink and walked back then I drove back to the airport.

When I got to the airport I still had 4 more hours to waste so I started reading. I pulled out my book and looked at the cover "In Another Time by Caroline leech" I opened it to chapter 1 and started reading. It was about a girl named Masie  with a bad family who just wanted to get away. She also wanted to help with the war but she was 17 so she couldn't do anything except become a lumberjill so that's what she did. She went off and met a girl named dot. Dot was 19 and a lot smaller so she had trouble. Then Masie met a guy and that's how far I'm into it.

After I was done I put a bookmark in it and closed it. I set it down and looked at my watch. I was only reading for 30 minutes. I decided to go to sleep.

I was walking with my mom and she saw a women with darker skin and  rolled her eyes. "Mom?" I said. "Yeah honey?" She said. "Why did you just roll your eyes?" I asked "I didn't" she replied "yes you did mom." I said sternly, she pulled me into the bathroom. "Olly don't trust people with darker skin they're not trustworthy." She said and I rolled my eyes "mom they're just like us you don't need to be scared of them." I said confused I knew my mom wasn't racist. "No they're not honey and I'm not scared of them." She said looking straight into my eyes. "Mom admit it you are but there's nothing to be scared of they're human just like us." I said then started to walk away. My mom grabbed my shoulder and I turned around not being able to look at her, my mom was racist. My mom was scared of normal humans. "Honey" she said sternly "they are robbers and they shouldn't be able to be here." My mom said. I shook my head and walked out not believing what she just said.

I woke up realizing the it was just a dream... or more like a bad memory. My mom was racist my whole family was racist. I was here for them.... No. I was here for my dad, my dad was the only wholesome one in our family. He was the only one who knew me.

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