One year later

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Kitty: * while waiting for the cake to be finished being made at publix* it just isn't right having a birthday without cat.. she always made sure we had fun
Violet ( Publix Baker): here is your cake young one. Happy 10th birthday!
Kitty: thank you so much. * takes the box*
When kitty went back to the adoption center
Rachel ( care taker): kitty? What's that? Where the heck did you go?
Kitty: oh.. you see it's my 10th birthday and I wanted to buy a cake
Rachel: *laughs* your a kid, you don't have any money. Also, you can't just leave without our consent
Kitty: I'm sorry.. there was just so much things caught up in my head that I forgot to even ask you
Rachel: *mimics kitty* there was just so much thing caught up what kind of things?
Kitty: m-my sister, my memories
Rachel: whatever, just go back to your room and enjoy that awful cake..
Kitty goes up to her room
Rachel: ugh... I always hated Publix food
Kitty: *opens box* sigh... at least it's just how I wanted it.
The cake was a chocolate cake, with white frosting and a messsage saying "happy 10th birthday Kitty Etc" made with blue frosting
Persephone ( roommate, same bunk bed as her): * swings down from top bed* hi kitty, what's that? Is it your birthday?
Kitty: it's cake, and yes, it's my birthday. I'm turning 10
Persephone: oh, I wish it was my birthday. I want to catch up to you, I'm just 7
Kitty: it's ok Persephone, at least you have great critical thinking and your very mature
Persephone: one of the perks of survival, especially when your an orphan
Kitty: well.. you can have a piece if you want
Persephone: really? Thank you
The girls ate up the cake

Origins of Cat and Kitty: a Roblox storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora