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I'm a little puzzled by this statue

It's meant to show love

But it's too smooth for a breakthrough

Filled with butterflies and a dove

Clean, pristine

What is it meant to mean?

The love I know is messy

Am I doing it wrong?

Sweats and dressy

iPhone and Walkman song

Aesthetic when we try

Broken when we don't

Your statue's a lie

Defenestrate to the moat

Unless I'm doing this wrong

I can't be

Been like this too long

You know, crashing through a tree?

It's pretty while it hits you in the gut

And when you get to the ground, and look around

Every fail like a cut

I don't know if the statue is a lie

Or if it's me

All I know is this tie

Telling me I'm happy

I just hope I didn't bruise

All the best parts of you

Passionate Poems and Demure DrawingsWhere stories live. Discover now