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It was a silent night.

The rustling of leaves brushing against each other were loud and clear. Should I have been happy as an introvert, or scared as a short frail girl?

I shook the following dreary thoughts about empty dark streets off my head, and travelled with my two little feet that's too tiny for the world. I kept my hands in the pockets of my padded jacket, and exhaled a breath of mist, admiring how it flowed in an orange smoke because of the tall lamps guiding my way above me.

I didn't want to leave home, I hated to leave a comfortable and much safer place, but home was no longer inside the walls of my house. The danger lives closer than how air hugs my skin.

That is why I decided to go on a little search; a small escape in disguise. If death was waiting to find me in my room, dangling in the midst of spider webs on the ceiling, he sure would be disappointed by now.

Sorry for that.

Who knows, maybe death would find me along the streets.

For now, my first stop would be Sunni's house.

I know she stays up late, so I hope it won't be a burden to seek company from her at this time.

"Ma'am," that voice was baritone. Deep and thundering, or so my fears imagined.

The only acceptable reaction was to jump in place, shriek like a loud cat, raise both hands, and run away like a maniac, which I did.

I tried to glance back to have a glimpse if he was running after me, but the guy was left with his hand hanging in the air as if he was about to tap my shoulder that was nowhere near there anymore.

Still, I ran as fast as I could, with chest tightening.

"Sunni?" I called quietly as my racing heart could manage to not explode. I knocked at her door, three times.

No one answered.

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