day in the life of an older sister

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i've noticed over the years my mom and dad live different kids like my mom really loves me like i know parents aren't supposed to pick favorites but if they did for my mom it would go me, Zealand, Sunday, everleigh, posie. she doesn't hate posie it's just that my dad loves posie my dads goes posie,everleigh, Sunday, Zealand, me my dad doesn't hate me he just doesn't love me the way he loves posie but it's ok because my mom loves me the most and my family does love me. my mom was so worn out that my dad had to make dinner so i had to watch Zealand and posie Zealand always listens to me and  he loves my room so tonight when i was baby sitting i just took them to my room i have a tv in there so we can watch shows it was easy to take care of them surprisingly i only had one bad tantrum when posies toy broke it didn't actually break a piece that was meant to come off came off then she got scared but i took them up to my room and i was just sitting on my bed with Zealand on my lap cuddling with me and posie was playing in my desk and on the floor and watching tv my dad knocked on my door after a while saying dinner was ready he made chicken Alfredo with spinach it was really good then i cleaned up dinner then put Zealand and posie to bed while my dad took care of my mom and Sunday after i put Zealand and posie to bed i went into everleighs room to go see what she's been doing she was just playing roblox on her i pad so i invited her to my room and we had a movie night we watched despicable me and then she went to bed. i took a shower then checked my phone and i had some snaps a couple messages from my friends then i just scrolled on TikTok for a while until i fell asleep

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