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today i woke up and i went on a run i came back and ate breakfast took a shower then ari texted me and asked me what we should do today then i said that we should have a pool day then ari was on board so then we texted griff, max and cade and we decided to go swimming after lunch we went to aris pool this time but first i had leftovers from yesterday for lunch then i went to go ask dad to see if it's ok and he said yes then i hung out with Zealand until it was time to leave me and Zealand played with his toy trucks and dinosaurs then i put my blue bikini on and walked over to aris house when i got there cade was already there and max was right behind me so we were just waiting on griff he came like a couple minutes later then we went in the pool and max can apparently do a back flip off the diving board which is weird because he can't do a backflip we swam from like 2-10 we ate dinner and stuff but by the time we got out of the pool it was dark aris mom took a picture of us

today i woke up and i went on a run i came back and ate breakfast took a shower then ari texted me and asked me what we should do today then i said that we should have a pool day then ari was on board so then we texted griff, max and cade and we d...

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i'm in the blue bikini and griff is behind me max is in between me and ari then cade is the guy on the side i walked home and when i got home nobody was up not even my mom or dad so i just watched tv until i was a little bit tired then i went upstairs took a shower then went to bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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