Day 6 <Plus One>

455 25 27

<-- TDL: Group

Plan Master
Today, a new participant will be joining.

Eunbi Ji
is it a girl?
hopefully it is lol

Hyesul Choi
Hopefully it's a guy so you'd be ditched

Eunbi Ji
Dasom help me!

Dasom Kang
haha please don't be too mean to Eunbi, Hyesul unnie 🥺

Hyesul Choi
I took a severe blow!
This is soo unfair using our Dasom's charms against me!

Eunbi Ji
Thank you Dasom!
If you go to picka cafe, I'll treat you a coffee!

Chunsung Ki
she already placed an order at my cafe
try another day.

Eunbi Ji
oh well then hmm...
how about tomorrow?
i'll send congratulatory coffees for your performance ✌️

Hyesul Choi
for those who may not remember, Dasom has a play tomorrow and she's the lead actress!
Tomorrow's a holiday anyways so maybe master won't count it as a prohibited action if we don't stay for too long or like exchange contacts.

Yurim Jang
Then how about we tell each other who will visit Dasom's uni at certain times?
I might be able to drop by sometime after the performance.

Hyesul Choi
good call! i'll be there early in the morning for their rehearsals!
I have to drop by some posters for the design majors cuz i was commissioned

Jisung Park
I'll be there during the actual play to cover it for our entertainment column.

Eunbi Ji
since I have to write a paper...
i'll just send the coffees then!

Dasom Kang
i don't deserve this

Chunsung Ki
I might drop by if I find some time
maybe i should ask gyubin to help me out

Hyesul Choi
oh? you know her?
such a small world we live in lol

Plan Master
This room's chats will now be restricted as you will be transferred to your respective chat rooms.

The chatroom has been deactivated.

<-- TDL: Women

Hyesul Choi
Oh it's going to be a guy
I can feel it!

Yurim Jang
hopefully someone older this time

Dasom Kang
oh are you into older guys, Yurim?

Yurim Jang
i feel really awkward as the oldest
and well... knowing that everyone's younger than me kind of makes me hesitate.

Hyesul Choi
let's hope for the best then!

participant gyu has entered the chat.

oh hi 👋
i don't think i can give my name, but feel free to guess stuff about me
i'll help you guys- i mean girls with it so that we can talk more
you know- gotta take advantage!

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