AH and NC Talk Show

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AH: This'll come sometimes to give ya'll some content on this book while the next part is in works, I already have plans for the 3rd part so stay tuned, cause I'll be giving an epic speech in the 3rd part

Welcome to the... AH and NC talk show! Where they answer questions they have or haven't been asked!

AH: Today we're answering the question of Who's Stronger, the answer is... Both! We're both stronger than eachother

NC: But what could we mean by that though?

AH: Well sis and viewers, I'm stronger in that I'm smarter and actually make a plan since I know about and how to work simple things unlike NC who can only read simple words, that's right, the reason Dark from Amb's and GhostStriker2's rp CAN'T read is because NC isn't as advanced in reading as I am as she rarely needed to and I made Dark unable to read based on my sis and that's why if you look at Dark's file bro, you can find that it's one of the MOST simple file and rarely uses complex words. But my sis is stronger physically though she says she is mentally

NC: We're both mentally broken

AH: True that! Anyways while I can carry 4x my body weight my sis can lift 6x if not more of her body weight, though I often need help since our strength varies based off our form, sometimes I can't even lift my own body weight, oof T-T but seriously I'm stronger in the smarts category and she's stronger in the physical category stay tuned for the next part because NC will be in it with a snarky introduction and there will be a love triangle that MAY become a Polyamory ship

AH's Update: The Second Part of this story will be released by 4:44 pm today, Winchester KY, in other places that's nighttime or an hour later or early just be prepared for it, ok? Remember 4:44 pm today, Winchester KY! JST giving ya'll a head ups so you'll be prepared for anyone following this story to get a notification!

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