AH's Speech: Fury of Dragons

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AH: So here we have it, the part with my speech, wish me luck, also I have named my speech Fury of Dragons

AH's pov
I cleared my throat, getting myself prepared for what I was about to say though it was chaos I heard people screaming "This is disastrous! How do we free SO many dragons? It's IMPOSSIBLE" I cleared my throat again "Ahem! SHUT IT!" They shut up when I said that, Heather put a hand on my shoulder "Give us encouragement AH" I smiled and said "Will do!" I sighed, this was going to be a long one "Although we're weak apart... Although we're stupid... And although we're young and old... You're STILL here, You're STILL standing! I'm STILL here, I'm STILL standing! We're ALL STILL here! We're ALL STILL standing! Now tell me, is the fact we're STILL standing a reason to GIVE UP!?" Everyone except for me and my sis yelled "NO!" "That's right! Now DON'T say it's IMPOSSIBLE, NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE when you put your mind to it! Me and my sis NC have felt this same hopelessness yet did we give up?" I said after they yelled that, NC responded "NO! We fought for what was right!" I looked at her with a blank expression "Yes, thank you sis. You DON'T see us cowering away, hidden behind closed doors, do you!?" I said, and was met by yells from everyone but me and NC "NO! WE DON'T" I then threatened ALL of them " I swear, if I see ONE person saying "I GIVE UP!" I WILL send them to the frontlines, GOT IT!?" They screamed back, scared to be in the frontlines "GOT IT!" I nodded before continuing "ALL of those dragons are from mine and my sister's, NC island, I can see their face, sad about being locked away, if those were YOUR dragons would YOU also save them!?" EVERYONE but me and my sis, once again responded "YES! WE WOULD!" I sighed, imaging mine and NC's dragons stuck in cages, unable to get out "That's right so brothers, sisters, friends, family, young, old, come join me and NC and we shall set free a fury of dragons!" EVERYONE yelled back and me and NC joined in this time "TO FREE A FURY OF DRAGONS!"

NC's pov
I stood beside my sister, AH "Good speech sis" I complimented, but she seemed distracted "Sis?" She shook her head and smiled at me "Did you say something?" "Yes, I said good speech" I could tell she was a bit worn out "I know it was alot to take in, lets just get ready to fight for our island" AH nodded, as everyone dispersed, I blinked and she was talking with Heather and Astrid, I just stood there thinking of a plan only happening to overhear their conversation "Heather, Astrid, Me and NC know of this place, it's pretty dangerous, but, there's a cave there and I think it may have what we need, Heather, I need you to help build defenses against the hunters with NC, Astrid you come with me, I'll need some extra help" I then interrupted "Me and Heather got this, you two go to that island" They looked at me as I leaned against nothing "Right, me and NC will go help build defenses against the hunters" Heather said so we walked away, leaving those two to talk "So, any ideas?" She asked to which I responded "Back at our island we were often attacked by hunters so we had ALOT of defenses, the leaders of our defenses were BlueFlame and Smokey, so I know how to build defenses, just let me lead the way" I looked at the defenses they had "Good but are they transportable? We need them to defend ourselves from attacks" "Some have wheels, if we just freeze a path we could wheel them, though it may take a while" I then came up with an idea "We have gronckles right?" Heather nodded "Yes, they're quite common" I smiled, clearly planning something "Good, we can use the rocks they eat to make walls and the ice of Frostine for extra defense" "That is... brilliant! I knew AH was right when she said you were smart!" "Thanks, lets get ready" I said before we both went down there, ready to help and give advice, I was pretty good at planning defenses and all that stuff

AH's pov
Me and Astrid flew in on Stormfly's and Luna's backs, Nightmare and the NightLights decide to come with us and since Nightmare can be quite... Terrifying... We let them. When we got to the island we flew around, looking for the cave I had spoke about, soon I spot it "Look Astrid! The cave! C'mon!" We quickly whipped around towards the cave and dove towards it, quickly entering, Pouncer used a blinding light to light the cave, I managed to see through it since of my abilities being a Polymorphic ShapeShifter, My wolf-like ears perked up and moved around, checking for danger "You know AH, sometimes I forget you're a Polymorphic ShapeShifter and not of this world" "Then you know the only reason I came here originally was to find my daughter but now..." Astrid put a hand on my shoulder and I remembered the warmth of my sister every cold night we spent sleeping... Noone tried to warm us... Noone cared about us... To them we were just... freaks... "You're now doing all of this, I'm sorry you haven't found her yet" I sighed, feeling like I was being too pessimistic about the situation at hand. "You're right, lets just search around" We spent hours searching, leaving no stone unturned, soon we found something, Dragon Eggs... We looked at them, they were new dragons! The top was Sunlight Yellow and the Bottom was Midnight Blue, it was scaly and oval shaped, the "scales" were going to the right instead of down like you would expect. "What are they?" Astrid asked "I don't know, we'll have to see when they hatch, c'mon lets incubate them, I picked up the smallest one, it probably didn't have as high of a chance to make it, it was way smaller than the other eggs, I then picked up the biggest egg, it probably had the hightest chance to make it, not to get my hopes up though... Astrid picked up the rest and put them in the bags, I decided to take the small and big egg since I knew they would need more care if the big egg isn't healthy, Astrid took the other 2 eggs. "Welllllp! Looks like we found somethings" I said, getting on Luna and Astrid getting on Stormfly, Nightmare and the NightLights took off and flew away, we soon followed in pursuit, still carrying the eggs in bags

Pouncer's pov
We were flying back towards the school, but this time when we got there we went straight into the hatchery, us, Luna, Nightmare, and Stormfly waited outside for AH and Astrid. After what felt like months- no years- no eternity! They finally came out holding the eggs they found, Astrid holding the normal sized ones and AH holding the small and big ones "So... You 6, we'll have 4 new dragons to defend us soon, we'll just keep them around Grim till they hatch in the meantime, we should find NC and Heather" AH explained as Astrid nodded at time "Yes, Hiccup may be able to help, I'll go consult him" Astrid said before wandering off, Stormfly followed after her leaving the 5 of us dragons + AH to ourselves "Welpppp! C'mon Luna, Nightmare, Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner, lets go to Grim" She said before hoping onto Nightmare's back this time "Ima ride on Nightmare right now, Luna must need a break" Soon we flew to Grim and the others "Grim! We found new eggs and we need to help them hatch!" AH said before putting her two eggs next to Grim but not so close Grim would accidentally burn them just close enough for Grim's heat to reach them enough to help them, then Astrid came and put the eggs she had where AH put her two "Did Hiccup know anything?" "No, but he did say that there's alot of dragons that've been gone so long they've been forgotten or it could be a new breed all together. Anyways I better go now, we need to be ready for the fight" Astrid explained, before getting up and walking away. I went up to AH "Hey, it'll be ok, we'll get your and NC's dragons back!" She simply sighed and looked at me "I know it's just that, how long will we have to wait for these possible secret weapons? ... I should check on my sis and Heather" We watched as she walked around "Wonder what's up with AH" Luna said to which Nightmare replied "Yeah, same, she's been acting weird since hearing of what happened to her and NC's dragons..." Me and my siblings looked where she was standing before she left, something was up and we were gonna find out what...

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