chapter three,, the quarry

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( chapter three ; the quarry )

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( chapter three ; the quarry )

dude, she's totally hot.


"Thank you for the ride home, Rich

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"Thank you for the ride home, Rich." Izzie removed her arms from the boys waist before climbing off of his bike. "Of course, any time. You gonna come to the quarry tomorrow, right?" Izzie slipped her hands in her jeans as she admired his features.

"Of course. I'll be there." She said with a polite smile as the boy wished her a goodnight before peddling off on his bike. Izzie smiled to herself as she turned to walk inside the house but before she entered she heard a snap of a twig coming from the trees somewhere.

The sun had already set and she was tired but what's a day without adventure, right? She took her hand off of the doorknob before walking down the creaky steps of the slightly old house. "Hello?" She called out as she walked towards the trees that looked slightly creepy because of the moonlight.

Nobody answered. She sighed as she reached the trees, beginning to walk through the forest. And this is how every horror movie starts. Some dumb kid decides hey! let me go check out where that strange noise is coming from. She felt stupid but it's the least she could do. What if someone was hurt.

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