chapter five,, rock war

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( chapter five ; rock war )

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( chapter five ; rock war )


Izzie biked as fast as she could over to Beverly's, her legs nearly giving out on her

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Izzie biked as fast as she could over to Beverly's, her legs nearly giving out on her. Once she arrived everyone had been there, waiting for her. "Sorry guys." Izzie was having trouble catching her breathe since she had biked so fast, throwing her bike to the ground. "My aunt was trying to stop me from coming over but... hold on let me catch my breath."

Beverly had smiled at the sight of her as she arrived, Izzie taking her spot next to Richie. "You all made it, that's what matters. I... I need to show all of you something." Since nobody had asked, Ben decided to ask the question everybody feared. "What is it?"

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie implied making Izzie reply with an elbow to the stomach which seemed to shut him up. "Shut up! Just shut up, Richie!" Eddie exclaimed as Izzie smiled over at him. "Thank you, i didn't want to say it for once."

"My dad will kill me if he finds out i had friends in the apartment." Beverly added, rubbing the palms of her sweaty hands onto her jean shorts. "Then.. We can leave a lookout! I nominate Richie." Richie looked at his friend in disbelief as everyone looked at Izzie, nodding their heads in agreement.

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