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**months later**

"This band will change your life?" seriously?" we were at a coffee shop eating when julian came across this artical about The Strokes "whats so bad about that? they are complimenting you." I told him. He sighed "well heres the thing Ana all these fucking magazins are making us sound overrated with coments like 'they will change your life forever!' you know?" he said motioning his hands everywhere "but when they say things like that wont it make the band popular?" he looked at and shook his head "there is more in life then fuckin' trying to be popular. people should just listen to the music and enjoy it and if they dont... well shit. what can you do?" Julian chuckled and took a sip of his black coffee. after his little rant about magazins overrating the band Julian dropped me off at the record store so i could hang out with danni.


"Oh my god! i feel like it been years!" i ran up and hugged danni "I know you going on tour with Julian and everything! what have you been up to?" we took a seat in the break room and talked for a couple of munites. then I saw Fab walk in the store "hold up dan i see one of my friends im gonna go say hi" I sneeked up behind him "Do you need help with finding anything sir?" I said he turned and gave me a weird smile "oh hey I forgot you worked here." Fab was acting different he looked so guilty about something ... "hey are you alright you look really nervous" he looked down at the floor a word was about to come out of his mouth but he stopped then continued again "its nothing im good im just gonna buy this and go" he handed me the record "ok then. Pearl Jam huh? nice!" we walked over to
the cash register and he left. I knew Fab was not ok there was something that he was hideing and he was feeling some kind of gulit. I dont like seeing him like this so i knew i was gonna make him tell me what was going on.


After I went home hanging out with danni was fun and I couldn't wait to get Home and just sleep with Julian. "Jules! I'm home!" Julian was at the dinner table with Albert and his girlfriend her name was Jace. I sat down with them they had ordered Chinese food we all talked a bit and shared laughs but the whole time I noticed that Jace couldn't take her eyes off Julian "hey Julian we should probably go to bed now" I told him "yeah ok goodnight Albert and nice to meet you Jace" he shook her hand and we left to our room we got in bed and I know this might sound stupid but I was getting jealous "did you notice how Jace couldn't take her eyes off you?" He chuckled "I mean you can't blame her I'm pretty fuckin' sexy" I rolled my eyes "I'm serious! It was creepy!" I whispered "ooh i see is my girl getting jealous?" He teased "baby you don't need to be jealous she's nothing your the only one that I need" he kissed me forehead and turned off the lights "goodnight." He cuddled with me and we fell asleep......................................

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