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I quickly backed away from Ryan's kiss. My face felt hot. "Ryan what th-......" Before I could finish a loud knock was made on the door. "Yo! Ryan open up!" It was Julian. "I got some songs that I wanna record!" He said behind the door. I was fucking panicking Ryan had just stole a kiss from me and now Julian wants to come in the apartment. Ryan froze he wouldn't do anything he just sat there he was panicking just as I was. "Ryan?" Julian was waiting for someone to let him in. I finally got up but before I left to open the door I angrily whispered at Ryan "Nothing fucking happened OK?" Ryan nervously nodded his head. I went down stairs to the living room and opened the door for Julian "Hey Julian what's up?" When I saw Julian's face I felt so much guilt. "Hey baby I just came here to record Some songs " he said half smiling. "So where's Ryan?" He asked. I pointed up the stairs "uh he's up there in the studio." "Ah. Ok" Julian walked up to the messy kitchen opened the fridge and got himself and beer. He looked at me and raised he eyebrow "want one?" I shook my head saying no. He then lit up a cigarette "let's go to the studio" he said. I literally just wanted to run out the apartment and leave from this super awkward situation. But then Ryan came down the stairs he had his keys in his hand. "Uh guys I have... To go some where to get some stuff." Said Ryan "oh shit really? I kinda wanted to get some songs recored." Said Julian taking a sip from his beer. "Well you can stay and do that but when you leave you have to close the door with lock" Ryan said back. "Alright man" Ryan left and closed to door. Julian looked back at me. "Wanna come with me?" He asked "I want to but Danni wants me to met him at the store he wants to talk to me about something important." I said nervously. "Ok then. See you back home." He kissed me and I walked out the door. I felt so bad that I said no to Julian but I had to find Ryan and talk this whole mess out with him I feel like if Julian found out about this he would hate Ryan for kissing me and all this band and The Strokes will just fuck up. I ran out trying to catch up to Ryan. I finally caught up with him as he was about to get in his car I yelled out his name "RYAN STOP!" He looked up and walked up to me. We were face to face "Fuck. Look I'm fucking sorry I-I didn't know what I was thinking I don't know wh-" I cut him off " Ryan you do know me and Julian are dating right?!" Ryan put his hand on his face "oh fuck! Yeah I know! It's just that I really like you and....I just...shouldn't of had kissed you knowing that you're going out with Julian..." Again there was that awkward silence. "Look Ryan I forgive you. Let just pretend like NOTHIG happened lets act normal. I really don't want you and julian to hate each other because of me." Ryan looked down "alright." I hugged him and said goodbye.


I was back at Julian's and alberts apartment and I took a little nap as I was sleeping I felt a hand softly going up my leg. I woke up from my short nap and Julian was laying next to me on the bed "sorry didn't wanna wake you up." He said softly "it's ok" I rubbed my eyes "No babe go back to sleep its late you have to wake up early tomorrow for work" he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead "goodnight."............................................

IN HER PRIME (Julian Casablancas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now