Knockoff games

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Sunky: Hey Sanic, you wanna play some video games?
Sanic: Yeah man I'm down. You got Call of Duty?
Sunky: Um...
*Sunky went through his games*
Sunky: No, I don't...but I've got something better! Text of Assignment!
Sanic: What? Is that some sort of Call of Duty knockoff?
Sunky: Actually, it's the other way around. Call of Duty is a knockoff of it!
Sanic: oookayy...what else do you got? Oh! What about Halo?
Sunky: No, but I've got Ring!
Sanic: Ring? Man, come on, please tell me you at least got Borderlands!
Sunky: Nope, I got...Edgeterritories!
Sanic: What?! Oh my god, enough of these damn Walmart off-brand games, you got any real games?
Sunky: Oh! I've got Digbuild! It's pretty much like-
Sanic: Minecraft? Yeah, yeah no thanks. How about The Last of Us?
Sunky: I've got The Final of We!
Sanic: *Sighs* Spiderman?
Sunky: Arachnidperson.
Sanic: Doom? Destiny?
Sunky: Ruined, Fate...
Sanic: ....You know what, we're not friends anymore! I'm outta here!
Sunky: Fine, at least now I can play some single-player games like Superb Steal Car!

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