Chapter 4

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(A/N) I was about to not update this week, but I have a time to spill so this might be short of long, not sure yet.

Connors pov*
When I arrive home it's terribly quiet. I walk to the kitchen to see the oven pre-heated exactly in time for me, I had called Troye asking him to put it on for me on my way home, so I could put the roast in for dinner. After the roast is in, I begin to set the table. The red place mats, cutlery, wine glasses, normal glasses, the wine, the water, why does this sound like a romantic setting ? It's just friends coming over. No, it isn't romantic, and even if it was its for friends, it's fine, my house, my rules, I can over do things if I want. And maybe some music for back round noise, I go to the stereo, connection my phone and playing my spotify playlist. Okay, dinner is cooking, the table is set, house is clean-ish-the house is decent, guest are coming in an hour, where's Troye?
I had a sudden urge to hug him and kiss him and have him hug me back and kiss me back. The thought of being close to him makes me happy, gives a feeling in my chest that doesn't hurt, but will hurt if it was to get anymore extreme then it is. Like a heart-boner.
My first guess is that his in the study with head phones on so that's why he never heard my arrival. Or not. I look into the small room and it's empty, though clear he has been it today since there's paper along the desk, the microphone has been moved and his laptop is on the chair. Why would he leave his laptop on the chair? I go over to it, lifting it up, I attempt to turn it on but it seems to be dead. But it's not even charging, where's Troye?! I want my Troye.
"Troye?" I didn't call out to loud, because I was heading toward our room, I see no point in shouting with the chance that he might be in there. The door was wide open, the curtains were closed, making the room a darker, the bed was a mess, but I could see in that mess, was a small head poking out of the duvet. I smiled seeing his face look so content and peaceful. He must of gone to bed after I called him to put the oven on. The oven takes 15 minutes to preheat, maybe his taking a nap? With the blankets over him.. I walk over in front of the bed, I take off my shoes, my jeans and top, climbing on the bed so I'm next to him. His face is facing the ceiling, so I climb onto him, straddling his waist, then bedding down so our faces are close together. I pepper his face with small kisses, whispering to him softly to 'wake up'. He groans gently, waking up from him slumber, he looks so exhausted. A smile tugs at his lips as he looks up at me, I bend down again to kiss him again on his mouth.
"How was your day?" His voice sounded husky and airy, which is okay because it's also hot as fUck when it's like that, especially when his turned on, his voice goes deep and his accent thicker, makes me remember all the times we've had sex, his so, so beautiful, and even now just looking into his eyes, my eyes remember when they turn black, full of lust, hunger, I will always crave this boy, always until the da-
"Connor?" My thoughts are cut off with his sudden outburst, I completely forgot to reply, what was the question? "Sorry what was that?" He chuckled and shook his head at me. "How was your day?" Oh right.
"Well, it was okay, a bit boring, I missed you a lot, thought about you a lot, how was your day? How's the song going?" I noticed his face changing as I spoke. He was smiling at me throughout the first part of my sentence, then looked as if I told him his dog died.
"Troye, what's wrong?" I frowned when he took a deep breath and shook his head at me again.
"I missed you too"
"Troye you're acting as if I was gone for ages, what's going on?" His stressed, I just don't know what to do, he's the magic, I don't know how to write music!
"I didn't do anything today, nothing, I went into the study, looked over some of the lyrics, sang some of them, then eventually, my laptop started dying, I just put in on the chair and let it die. Then I came into here made it dark, then slept until you called, so I put the oven on and just slept some more and I feel like I've done nothing and that's stressful and annoying" he had tears down his cheeks at the end of his sentence. I got up from him and climbed into the duvet, he turned to me, seeing at what I was doing.
"C'mere" I gestured for him to come closer towards me, I tangled our legs together, holding onto both of his hands, keeping us close. "I love you" I told him, he smiled softly and closed his eyes gently. "I love you too".
"Now Troye, because I love you, I'm going to be honest with you" he opened his eyes giving me a questioning look. I kept mine serious and went on with saying "maybe this thing isn't working, like this music thing, I mean when you were younger it was easy, but you probably have grown out of it if this causing to much stress, then you should take a break from music for a while and ju-"
"How fucking dare you!" He got up quickly, standing at the side of the bed, he looked mad. Good. "You know exactly what music means to me! Music, my family, my people, even you, mean so much to me, I'm trying to bring all that together and you just? I can't believe you!" He began walking around the room, I followed him with my gaze, smiling secretly under the covers. "This is important to me, I don't care how long this song takes to write, I will write it, in fact I will take my time, I'm putting my mind, heart and would into this, do you understand how it means to me? Because I feel like you don't an-" his body began to crumble, his head low and soft cries left his mouth. I got up slowly, wrapping my arms around his waist, holding on tightly, whispering to him softly "I know will, Troye, you know you will, you will take your time, and you make the greatest song ever and we will all love it, everyone will. Stop rushing yourself, you said it yourself you'll take as long as you need to write this song." He look up at me, confusion clearly in his face. "Wait, you did that on purpose?" I smiled at him and nodded, he began smiling too, putting his arms around my neck. "You dick, you're a dick, I hate you so much" he said leaning in and kissing me, I kissed him back, licking at his bottom lip, he let me in straight away. Looks he don't hate me that much. Our tongues danced to songs we didn't know the words to. He held each other tightly, like we needed to get closer but we couldn't and we kept trying. Our breaths mingled together, as he walked us backwards to the bed, I pulled him down with me, keeping us connected, our legs still hanging off the bed. Remembering about the guest that was due in an hour, I flipped us over, breaking apart our mouths. "We have guest soon" I told him. And he groaned and rolled his eyes, pushing me off him getting up and heading to the dresser. "Fine then, but after they leave.." He finished his sentence with a wink and I got up to go wash up in the bathroom before replying,
"Sounds like a good plan my love" .
(A/N) I don't particularly like this chapter, but it's something right? I think it could've been better, but I didn't have that much time, hopefully the next chapter is better!
also I won't be able to update next week unfortunately I'm hella busy, we have like family shit going on, I have to study for a test that's coming up, I can't multitask, if I do have time though I will x
Wanna guess who the guest are for like a fun game in the mean time?
Don't forget to vote and comment, a couple of you have commented previously and (thank you<3) but they keep me going, it like motivation. AND over 500 reads! WHAT? Thank you so much<3!
Okay, have an amazing week, be cool, be sassy
-Latte xx

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