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"Do you regret coming back here?" Yenries looks up as she hears the voice of the legendary compound archer. The latter has asked her teasingly as she sees her picking up the bottles of beer and leftovers from their late night snacks.

Her friends from the national team - Daniela, Sofia, Nicolas and Reina included - are spending the weekend at her place hanging out and catching up the last four months Yenries was gone.

The Colombian archers were not running out of stories to tell on the scriptwriter. Unbelievably they were able to backtrack all the gossips and happenings starting from the first month that Yenries had gone from their country. It's as if they recorded everything on paper to help them recollect.

"Of course not. I am so glad I can be with everyone." Yenries answered genuinely. She was almost done clearing out all the mess they have made on the living room.

As the others are all heavily drunk and asleep, Yenries and Reina were both left hanging out with each other. The two have already become an official couple since the day Yenries came back at Medellin. But since their relationship is all new, they have not told anyone yet including their closest friends Daniela, Sofia and Nicolas.

"Are you going to sleep now?" Reina asked her newly-established lover.

"Not really.. I'm not feeing sleepy yet. You?" The champion archer just shook head. Since both of them do not feel like retiring for the night yet, they decided to stay outside and sat on the grass, appreciating the bright lights of the stars and the moon up the sky.

They do not talk much as they take the serenity of the silence so breathtaking. Reina leans her head on Yenries' shoulders as they sit side by side while holding each other's hands. For them, this simple moments of being together are the best.

Staying on that position for a while, the champion archer had eventually fallen asleep on her lover's side. Yenries had let her gain some rest even if it makes her body feel a little numb from not moving from the same position. But as the dawning winds become stronger and colder, she decided it would be best to come back inside now.

"Reina.." She calls out the champion's name as if asking if she's awake. She knew that her girlfriend is dead-tired just like others, after all the day activities and drinking they have done. She does not really want to wake up the woman, so she slowly lifts up her head and lays her torso down on the grass.

Looking at Reina's sleeping face makes Yenries smile in joy. She rotates and stretches up her arms then kneels back down on the grass. She could not just let her lover remain sleeping on the lawn especially with no covers. So, with all her might, she grabbed her by her arms trying to lift her up on a princess hold. It took all of Yenries' strength to pick her up from the ground and have herself fully stand up. The writer knew that Reina is heavier than her by a few kilos but luckily the former was born with an athletic body enabling her to carry the champion archer back inside successfully.

She took careful steps making sure that she will not lose balance and not to wake up the woman on her arms. Thankfully, the room's door in which her female guests were sleeping were left unlocked making it easy for her to come inside. She laid Reina's sleeping body on the bed gently and covered her in a blanket. Yenries looked around making sure that the others - Daniela and Sofia - are comfortably sleeping.

Upon checking that all seems well, she heads towards the door and turned off the lights. She was just about to close the door when she heard Daniela's soft voice.

"Y-Yen is that you.." the Colombian archer asked after hinting sounds of a yawn.

"Yes, it's just 2:30 am.. Sleep more Dani." The scriptwriter then closes the door making the inside room covered in pitch black.

As she's about to retire to her own room, Yenries felt her phone vibrating from her shorts' right pocket. She took it out and saw the manager's name of the club she's applying for back in the Philippines.

"Good afternoon, I'm looking to speak with Miss Yenries Romano." said the man on the other line.

"Hi, this is Yenries." She responded with a bit of drowsiness on her voice. Morning has already been approaching and she has not slept a wink yet. But looking at her dual time wristwatch, she noticed it is only 3:30 pm in the Philippines, hence the man's energetic voice on the other line.

The manager felt the restless voice of the woman. "Hi Ms. Romano. This is Jake from Manila Polo Club. Is this a good time call? I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"I'm actually here in Colombia and we're like 13 hours ahead from Philippine time.. but yeah, this is a good time for me. I'm free to take up this call.."

"Oh my! I'm sorry for waking you up. I'll make this short then. We would like to let you know that we are ready to set an interview for your admission process."

It took at least a minute before Yenries could respond. It was explained to her through email what the procedures for the club membership was. It was specifically detailed that she needs at least a month before she'd be interviewed by the membership committee.

"I thought that I have to strictly follow the 30-day application period."

"About that, it has been decided to make an exception for you. There seems to be an agreement made by the National Sports Commission and the club's committee." The manager then explained that the Philippine's sports commission had encouraged Yenries Romano's club application to be expedited for the latter to be able to participate on the local games.

She needs to establish her presence on the local competition circuit if she wants to become the country's representative at the international competitions. Normally, this speed-up process does not happen often in taking in athletes for the club. But with the recommendation of the Colombian national archery team's coach, whose name is quite known in the world archery organization, it made things so easy for Yenries.

And with that, the scriptwriter will have her journey towards being a professional archer soon started. All she needs to do is go back to her home country and show all the things she have learned under the wing of ARJ archery range.

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