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As intended, Yenries Romano came early at the villa where her friend Nicolas Acosta's birthday party will be held. Her girlfriend, Reina Cruz Bueno, came in with her as they met much earlier at the shopping mall and have been together since then.

The villa was located at the outskirts of town. It has a nice view of the neighborhood's scenery and has a charming bed of sunflowers in the garden. The house itself is homely and comfortable. All the rooms are stuffed with elegant furniture, artworks and appliances. It also boasts of a beautiful patio that one would love to stay at.

"Hey! You guys are here! I'm so glad." Nicolas Acosta greets his friends as soon as he saw the two ladies come in from the porch. Reina gave her guy best friend a very tight hug as she whispers him a "happy birthday". She hands over her gift in which after Yenries follows suit. The Filipina-born hands the man a blue wrapped gift held close with a black decorative bow.

Nicolas looks at it closely and sincerely thanks Yenries. It was too obvious on his face how he feels happy and appreciative towards the ladies' efforts. There was a bit of a tremble from the man when Yenries hugged him. The latter thought Nico might really be too happy for his birthday.

"Are Dani and Sofia already here?" Reina asks the birthday boy for their other friends. It has been agreed between the quad that they will all arrive at the villa early to help out taking care of the arrangements and making sure that everything needed is complete.

"Yeah. They are at the kitchen making punch." Nicolas answered as he continued to move along his way. He picks up a box full of blue fabric which he will use to cover up the tables outside.

The two ladies then went to where the other girls are. Just like what Nicolas said, Daniela and Sofia were busy trying to mix ingredients for a punch.

"Yo!" Sofia happily said as soon as she saw their newly arrived friends.

"Hey guys. Did you easily find your way here?" Daniela Hernandez asked the two.

"Yeah. We asked Nico the gps directions before coming here." It was the legendary compound archer who answered Daniela.

The latter gave Yenries and Reina each a cup of fruit punch she and Sofia Gomez just finished mixing. Aside from the usual fruits, she and Sofia emptied bottles of Vodka and Rum for the alcohol.

The world rank #1 gave it a taste and revolted a bit as she could feel the kick of the alcohol. Reina does not really drink much as she has low alcohol tolerance. Meanwhile Yenries Romano feels satisfied drinking the cocktail punch that was served to them. Unlike her girlfriend, the Filipina-born writer can definitely hold her own when it comes to hard liquor.

"By the way, have you noticed something different from Nico?" Daniela asked changing the topic with a very serious tone. By this time only the three ladies were left as Sofia went outside the kitchen to help out on the balloons.

"Why? What is going on?" Reina curiously asks.

"I have been with him since yesterday and something is off. He is both nervous and excited for today. I get his excitement for his birthday but the part that he is acting nervous about something is.. I do not understand." Though it seems unlikely for the woman to know, Daniela still asked Yenries if there is something she might have noticed on the bearded man.

"Now that I think about it, he seems pretty tense earlier when we came. I could feel his body tremble a bit when I hugged him." Said Yenries.

"Hmm.." Daniela Hernandez looked at Yenries closely. There is a thought that came into her mind but decided to keep it to herself as she is totally unsure about it. But somehow, Daniela felt that today is not just going to be a simple birthday for their friend Nicolas Acosta.

After resting a bit all three of them continued to make the place prettier and prepared the things needed as the other guests started to arrive one by one.

Nicolas' guests for that day were all the people of the ARJ range - archers from national team and ordinary club members alike, and all the coaching staff they have been with. After all the expected people had arrived, everyone gathered around to wish and sing the birthday song for Nicolas as he blows out the cake's candles.

A lot of food and drinks were prepared aside from the activities that the quad had lined up until the night. Group and individual games were also set to make the time fun and worthwhile.

Around 7 o'clock Daniela noticed that there's only two bottles of vodka left at the pantry. Since some of them are going to spend the entire night sleeping over at the villa, the compound archer concluded it will not be enough since everyone is still on their drinking mood. She called out his friend Nicolas to tell about it and the man decided to take a quick drive inside town to buy additional bottles.

"You are going alone? But you cannot drive you already had a drink!" Daniela stops the birthday boy. She would not take a chance of letting him drive by himself especially it's already dark outside.

Daniela Hernandez wanted to go together with Nicolas however she also reeks of alcohol and feels a little tipsy already - the reason she went inside the kitchen to quickly cool down herself. Luckily, a savior came in on the kitchen to help her out.

"Hey Yen, you are not drunk yet right?" Daniela asks their foreign friend.

Yenries Romano who has a very high alcohol tolerance does not get drunk easily. Even if she had already consumed a whole bottle of vodka only by herself, she can still talk and walk straight without giving any hint of drunkenness. The only time she got close to being drunk was when she had a sleepover at Daniela's place together with Sofia and Reina. Since the others are only light drinkers, she had to take in their share of alcohol on their night out.

"I have had two shots but I am all good. What's up?" Yenries asked curiously looking both at Daniela and Nicolas. The latter then explained how Daniela had been stopping her to drive into town to get additional supplies for the night explaining that it might be dangerous to drive alone.

"If that is the case I can come with you. I will just drive us both." Yenries smilingly said to ease Daniela's worry.

"A-Are you sure? I mean if it is a hassle I can just ask one of the guys." Nicolas nervously asks.

"Of course. All the guys are already deep into partying, it will be difficult to ask them out." Yenries' smile melts all the inhibitions and worries away from both of the Colombian archers.

And so with this, Daniela gave her car keys to the woman as she and Nicolas prepares to take off. Daniela gives them the list of supply they need to buy from the nearest grocery mart.

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