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<> prologue/introduction <>


"you asked me to meet you here?" The brunette girl spoke up, interrupting Billie from her thoughts. "Why? what's so important?" Her eyes narrowed, becoming suspicious. "I care about you more than anything, I want you to be happy, I want us to be happy" Ariel stays quiet as Billie stumbles repeatedly on her words, Ariels' hands cluched at her sides "things feel hopeless so much of the time, but when I'm with yo--" she cuts her off. "Stop, please" she says, her expression a mask of anger "you brought me all the way down here so you could tell me the same thing you've been telling me since forever. I don't love you like I did" Billie breaks, longing for this girl. "you said forever" the sapphire eyed girl struggled for breath, her eyes began to fill with salty tears that ran across her porcelain cheeks. "even forever ends"  Ariel wiped away the stray tears away from Billie's cheeks with her thumb. "from this, it becomes the lesser of two evils" her words make Billies chest ache, her stomach now no longer where it used to be, but at her feet, her heart rising up to her mouth.

-- five months before


Lamps lit the drive; their low, indulging light gives the entire horizon an ethereal glow. Signs floated past every five metres or so, the illuminating lettering bouncing back. "do you think we could go up to the hills?" Ariel spoke, interrupting the comfortable silence "I think it would look pretty at this time, do you want to go up there?" i turn my head to Ariel, still keeping my eyes fixed of the traffic-filled road "yes please, look how pretty the sky is" she chuckled happily, looking up past the roof at the ominous sky.

The comfortable silence returns as we drive up through the winding roads and trackways to the top of the hills, me and Ariel would come here just to watch the sun set or the sun rise. The pretty pink sky made me feel more elated, and at ease. "This spot is perfect" Ariel soothed, opening her car door, staring out across the city in awe. "Here baby" I throw her a blanket from the back seat, opening the back of my car. The little people seemed so much smaller from a distance, their black silhouette being the only visible thing we can make out.

We climb in the open space of my car, pulling the blanket around out bodies, the occasional car horn could be heard. sometimes the yell of an angry traveller, or a the chants of intoxicated people. We'd laugh, and be thankful it wasn't us. "I love you Billie" I leant up against the back of the seats, Ariels face buried into my chest "I love you too, always" with those words her hands squeeze my waist tighter, a loving embrace. "always and forever" she mumbled, now sitting up, rubbing her eyes. We stay a while, filling the silence with yawns and slight shifting of our bodies. The sun began to drop and the thrill became less exciting. "do you want to go back home? It's getting late" Ariel nods, sleepily hopping up from the back of the car, returning to the passenger side.

I fold the blanket and keep it in the back of the car, catching one last glimpse of the setting sun, smiling as the happiness washes over me. I climb into my car and put my foot on the accelerator. After passing through the winding trackways, I return onto the main road, only now it was calm. The roads seemed so much quieter now, the traffic died down as It normally did, it let your mind rest when you had one less thing to worry about.

I park up my car and sit silently for a moment, contemplating. I turn my head and smile over at Ariel who had her head resting on the door frame, her dark brown hair falling across her face. "baby, we're home" I say quietly, in a slight whisper. a small hum comes from her parted lips, letting her eyes adjust to the still bright light. She squints her eyes, pulling on her door handle. We make our way inside, Ariel dragging her feet sleepily behind her. "go rest your eyes baby, I'll be up in a moment" I kiss her head, nudging her arm. A small smile is shown on her lips, her tiny dimples on display. She nods, kicking off her shoes, groaning as she makes her way up the stairs.

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