The woods

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Tw: Mention of drugs.

"Why would I want to remember you, there's nothing to remember"

She stopped, putting a hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that.. I've had a rough day, the counselor wasn't helping..-" she ranted, not looking Eddie in the eyes.

" It's okay. Don't sweat it. Did you still want that discount?"

Chrissy looked up. " how could you still offer the discount.. why are you still being nice to me..?"

Eddie shrugged and opened the black box, the brown drugs shifting around in the bag as he gently shook it.

" Well, there's a reason you want these. So you must have a lot going on."

" are you saying... I'm not helpless.. I don't need that crap to survive." She stated defensively.

Chrissy quickly turned behind her, hearing a rustle in the trees. She stared intently, her mind swarming.
" hey.. are you okay..?" Eddie asked gently.

Chrissy gasped and turned around to face him, her concentration wavering as she stared at the tree behind him.

" Chrissy.. i can leave if you want me too it-"

Chrissy startled, reaching over The bench to grab his hands. " wait! Please don't leave, I don't want you to leave."

She blushed; realizing just how silly she might have sounded.
Eddie only smiled at her fondly, strengthening his grip on her hands.

" I wont leave if you don't want me too, i'll never leave."

Chrissy and Eddie smiled at each other for a while, each just relishing in the warmth of one another's hands.

Slowly, Chrissy relieved her grip and twiddled with her fingers.

" Do you ever feel like you're going crazy.." the wind blew, her body shivering.
Eddie rose from his side of the bench and sat next to her, holding her body close.

He nodded, his chin grazing softly on the top of her head. "Living in a trailer with my uncle isn't exactly the easiest.. especially when he thinks I'm some type of killer."

Chrissy said nothing, only staring in front of her and cuddling close to Eddie.

Eddie began to tug at Chrissy's scrunchie, tugging off the green article of clothing.
" without this ponytail, you don't look like a cheerleader."

" Then what do I look like? You look like rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid!"

The girl I fell in love with a couple of years ago.

But he opted not to say that.

Instead he didn't answer the question.

" In middle school, during my first talent show, I saw you in the audience."

Chrissy turned, facing Eddie.

" You were in the front row, cheering and laughing. You liked my music. I remember telling myself that I was going to write you a song and sing for you."

" I was going to grab my guitar and sing to you, whisper your favorite song in your ear."

Chrissy's mouth popped open, an audible sound emitting from her lips.

" I would love to hear that. You have such an amazing voice, Eddie. Your guitar skills are something I love about you. I have no doubt that this will be my favorite memory."

Eddie only smiled, staring at her lips. " maybe I'm not THAT good at-"
Chrissy grabbed his face, her eyebrows furrowing.

" don't doubt your skills. I know you have a natural gift. I was there."
Eddie smiled, " you remember." He whispered softly.

Chrissy only nodded, slowly removing her hands from his face.

" I have another memory I'd like to make, before I play this guitar."

Eddie put his hand on Chrissy's face, staring at Chrissy lips, leaning forward and connecting them with his own.

Chrissy closed her eyes, leaning forward to deepen the kiss. Eddie finally closed his own and continued to kiss her,

A small breeze pushing their lips closer together.

What if... Chrissy and Eddie.Where stories live. Discover now