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Tw: toxic boyfriend. Getting slammed into a locker. Forceful kissing.

Chrisssy sat at her locker, nearly taking her books out before she heard a soft slam. She saw a plethora of bracelets and rings on the hand and knew exactly who did it. She gave a small sigh and eye roll.

" What's up, princess." Eddie said from behind her. Chrissy contained her giggling. Eddie sighed and placed his hands on her hips, turning her body in one swift motion to face him.

Chrissy melted, the rings on his fingers cool against her shirt, his hands warm as they rested on her hips.

" What's up, princess?" Chrissy laughed, her head hitting the locker behind her. " stop it eddie," she squealed, his hands tickling at her sides.

" I really enjoyed yesterday, I know I told you already but-" Chrissy blushed, looking at the dopey grin on Eddie's face, she stared at her shoes, just now realizing how close their bodies were.  " I had a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed it, eddie."

Eddie smiled wider, his hands rubbing at her sides. " anytime, princess. Though not today, you have a date today." Eddie made a stupid face in reference to jason.

Chrissy made a silly face as well, both of them imitating faces that Jason usually made.
The moment was interrupted by a harsh shoving of Eddie, said guy landing harshly into the lockers beside them. Chrissy gasped as Eddie grabbed his shoulder and scoffed.

Jason coming up behind him and shoving him again.

" JASON, STOP!" Chrissy yelled, Jason sneered but backed away, holding Chrissy against the wall and pinning her from tending to eddie.

Eddie stared at Chrissy, asking if she had needed any help getting Jason off of her, she silently shook her head no and watched as Eddie walked down the hallway, his hand clutching his shoulder.

Chrissy turned her attention back to Jason, his hand grabbing her mouth and pulling her face towards him. " i hate that kid, stop talking to that Lunatic, chrissy."

" he's not a lunatic, you're acting like one by the way you just treated him your-" Jason only put his lips on hers; kissing away everything she was going to say. Chrissy didn't kiss back, trying to push him away with her hands.

He roughly stopped and whispered in her ear, " I only want what's best for you, that kid is terrible, chrissy." Chrissy fumed. " he's a good person jason! He's my friend, you can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with, you're a lunatic." She whispered yelled, seeing that most of the school turned to face them.

" You're right, i won't tell you that you can't be friends with him, but i will tell you this, if he gets in the way of our relationship, vecna will be the least of his worries."

Jason lifted himself off of her , slamming the locker beside her head. The sound causing her to flinch.

" dinner, at 7, blondie."

What if... Chrissy and Eddie.Where stories live. Discover now