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Warnings- abusive Jason, emotional abusive boyfriend, forceful kissing, yelling, denial, eating disorder, discussion of eating disorders, vomit.

"Chrissy." Jason yelled, storming up to the girl that just exited the bathroom, Eddie leaving a few minutes before her. Jason grabbed her by the forearm and shoved her back in, his face red and eyes scrunched up.

"Jason, i have to get to class.." Chrissy warned, snatching her arm out of his grip.
" That can wait." Jason said, putting his body in the doorway, preventing her from getting out. " You sound like how you bluff for a "cheer meet"  he put his hands in the air, throwing air quotes around the words cheer meet.

" I know you've been hanging out with Eddie The Freak Mundson." He then said, watching as Chrissy stumbled over her words to lie. Then smirked as her head hung low and her eyes averted away from him.

Jason scoffed. " I knew it." You've been sleeping with the lunatic. Here I was thinking I was with some loyal leader, captain of the cheer squad and one of the nicest girls people would ever meet." Jason grabbed her jaw and forced her head upwards.
" come to find out, i was dating some bitch, a whore at that."

Chrissy slapped his hand away. " don't touch my face, jason." Chrissy then crossed her arms, " and what does it matter to you? We're broken up, I don't like you, and you aren't "getting" me back. My life is private and you're not in it anymore."

Jason smiled, his eyes looking crazy. " babe-"

" don't call me that."

" babe, all those times... ALL THOSE TIMES," he started to scream, shoving her against the wall in the restroom. " when you were lonely, i helped you, when you were horny i fucked you, when you cried, I hurt others for you. What more do you want from me?"

Jason grabbed her hair and made the back of her head hit the wall. " We are not broken up, chrissy. Get that through your fucking skull. We ARE TAKING A BREAK!"

Jason smashed his lips on hers, biting and shoving her closer into the wall. Chrissy pushed him off, tears pooling in her eyes. " GET AWAY FROM ME JASON!" She screamed; flinching as Jason raised his hands.

Chrissy opened her eyes realizing that she wasn't harmed.

Eddie was in front of her, Jason's hands in his grasp.

" Get the fuck off her." Eddie said, twisting Jason's arms and pushing him off to the side. Eddie then grabbed Chrissy's hand gently and led her out the bathroom, heading quickly and swiftly down the hallway and into Eddie's van.


" thank you eddie.." Chrissy said, her head hung low.
" jason.. i hate him, i hate how he treated you, i hate how he treats you now, chrissy i-" eddie turned in his chair, facing chrissy. He grabbed her hands and pulled them towards his chest. " I wish.."

" You wish he'd treat me like how you treat me" chrissy supplied, rubbing her hands against his knuckles. " you wish it wasn't him who was dating me."

" Is this your way of trying to get into my pants?" Eddie asked, a wide smirk spreading over his face. He started the car and headed over to his house.

Chrissy didn't answer until much later, her hand fiddling with Eddie's vest. " love isn't about sex."

Eddie's eyes widened. The car shutting off as they pulled into the driveway.
" you love me..?"

Chrissy opened the car door and stepped out. Walking towards the trailer.


"Here." Eddie said, offering Chrissy a sandwich. He watched as an emotion flickered on Chrissy's face. " I'm, I'm not hungry." Eddie only scoffed, nudging the sandwich closer to her lips. " I know the situation in the restroom really put a dent in your day. But you need to eat.

She gently tilted her head away. Eddie taking the chance to sit in front of her and pull off bits of the sandwich. He slowly led the food up to her lips. " you don't have to eat all of it, but at least half, look, we can even share."

Chrissy accepted the half, opening her mouth to allow Eddie the chance to feed her a couple of bites.

Soon the sandwich was gone, Eddie leaning against the couch fiddling with his belly button ring. Chrissy tried to keep all the food down, focusing on all the rings littering Eddie's fingers. She tried not to focus on the food pooling down at the bottom of her stomach and how it needed to find its way out before it digested, but soon her mouth filled with saliva and she ran to the bathroom.

Chrissy puked, her hands bracing and holding herself up on the toilet. Her stomach churned at the sight and smell, making her vomit more.

Chrissy braced one hand against her stomach, feeling it clench beneath her palm.

Eddie knocked on the door, his voice muffled. " chrissy? Are you okay?" He asked, waiting a moment to hear Chrissy's response.

" I'm good!" She said, her body shaking as she spit a mouthful of saliva into the toilet.
Eddie is silent for a moment, before pushing the door open and taking in the sight of Chrissy on the ground, shaking and trembling, her face pale and sweaty.

Chrissy held his stare, trying not to puke anymore, though failing when her stomach turned in a dangerous manner and left her nose barely touching the water in the toilet. Eddie rushed over, rubbing her back as she finished puking. Soon, he grabbed a wet cloth from under the sink and wiped her face, wiping away the saliva hanging out her mouth.

" What happened?" Eddie asked as he grabbed a spare toothbrush, wetting it and then placing toothpaste on it. " Wait, are you done?" Chrissy nodded, shaking as she leaned all her weight onto eddie.

Eddie scotched back, removing her jacket. He started to brush her teeth, watching as she stayed still, all the energy sapped from her body. Without her jacket, he noticed how skinny she truly was, her ribs almost at the point of poking out from the sides.

He sighed, filling a cup with water and making her gargle, spitting it back into the cup. Chrissy continued to tremble, nuzzling into the warmth of eddie's stomach. " I have an eating disorder." She eventually stated, saying nothing else.

Eddie nodded, braiding his hands through her hair. " That's okay, let's work to solve it together." Chrissy only started to cry. Her hands gripping Eddie's shirt. Her sobs echoed through the trailer. Eddie was glad his uncle wasn't here.

" It's okay." Eddie said, holding her close."

" my mom, she said i was too weak, too fat to be a cheerleader, to do anything successful. She told me that every time I eat I look like a pig." She cried harder. " she got me in the habit of checking my weight each day, and how if some food made me weigh more than what she deemed acceptable, it needed to be out immediately." Chrissy trembled, her body feeling as if it were buzzing

" I didn't  know how else to get it out immediately, so puking seemed to be the best and quickest way. I eventually got into the routine of it, and it's been so long i'm not even sure how to eat without puking, no matter how hard I try not to." Chrissy sat crying for a while, Eddie holding her as he listened.

In his head, his mind was racing. Chrissy Cunningham has trauma..."

Eventually, Eddie lifted Chrissy up bridal style, placing her into his bedroom. He searched through shirts until pulling one out that looked in good enough condition for Chrissy to sleep in.

" You can change in the-" Chrissy changed right in front of him, Eddie flushing red as he turned around and did the same.

They both laid in bed. Chrissy grabbing Eddie's hand. " I don't want to go home." She whispered into the darkness. Eddie squeezed her hand. Turning on his side and wrapping an arm around her.

" get some sleep chrissy, i hope you have amazing dreams, princess."

They both fell asleep.

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