Chapter One

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You sigh as the intro theme of your favorite anime, My Hero Academia, plays on your computer. As you wrap your cuts and bruises that you had received from your dad for not making dinner, he comes on screen.... Tenya Iida....
"God/gods/Lucifer, why can't he be real...." You said, exasperated.
"HEY BITCH!! GET DOWN HERE!!" Your father called, he sounded mad... You run downstairs and see him sitting in his red love seat with a glass beer bottle in hand.
"Y-yes sir...?" You stammered.
"Quit st-st-stuttering and make me a damn sandwich!" It hurt, him mocking you. You did as he asked, gave it to him, and sped up the stairs, closing the door behind you.
"Damnit, I missed some..." You shrug it off and keep watching.

~A few hours later~

"*Yawn* Geez, I'm tired... I should call it a day." You put your computer under the desk and fell asleep almost instantly.

(158 words)

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