First Impressions

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February 14th (Valentine's Day )

           Papyrus's house is about three blocks away from me, I would  take Maya's car but I think she might be going over Danny's later and I don't know if he's going to pick her up or not. Papyrus lives with his brother Sans, I don't know how but despite being immensely lazy the man pays all the bills in the house and holds about three jobs, one of which is being a stand-up comedian at the MTT resort hotel.

I check the time, and its 2:50. Shit, I've gotta be there by 3. So I start to sprint down my street, unfortunately due to my horrible lung capacity, I'm only able to make it halfway down my street before my chest started hurting. 

Suddenly a car pulls up next to me...

"Heya, you alright?" said a very familiar voice. I look up to see  Danny DeVito, Maya's boyfriend, in his red Toyota Prius with the window rolled down. I haven't met Danny until now and this is not the first impression that I want to make. 

In my terrible state, I managed to get out "Yeah...I'm alright" 

"You need a ride?" Danny offers.

"Actually yeah, that'd be great."

I open the passenger side of Danny's car and get in.

"So where to?" Danny asks.

"95 Snowdin Drive please" I say.

Danny puts the location in his GPS and he starts driving. We both sit in silence until its broken by "So, your Maya's boyfriend right?" 

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am" Danny says, "You know her?"

"I'm her roommate" I say.

"Oh, so you're  Vincent, I've heard a lot about ya."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Well, I know that you peed yourself during your third grade talent show." I was a bit upset that Danny knows that  of all things about me. Its true though, I can still see the audience's small fingers pointing and laughing at me when I close my eyes. "I also know that you're married to the famous butler Bertram Winkle." 

"Oh....yeah" I look down at my hands that I just realized are clenched into fists.

Danny looks over at me and says "Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, its just that- nevermind, its nothing" I say looking back at him with a weak smile.

We sit in silence again until we arrive at Papyrus's house.

"Thank you Danny" I say

"No, problem!" He says

I get out of Danny's car and shut the door. He drives off and I wave goodbye. 

I turn around and walk towards Papyrus's house, and before I could even knock the door swings open!

To Be Continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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