Chapter 3

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After making sure she was safe back in her own village, he walked back to his home in the forest cursing himself.

He bothered not to answer questions directed to him by the Magic Trio. He locked himself in his room, and sat in the corner with his tail curling around his feet. Somehow, he managed to fall asleep in that position.

Not long after the start of his slumber he had a dream. One that haunted him. His sister tortured and eaten by the werewolves, and his brother soon following in fate. And his parents never showing a care as the world siblings slowly had their lives slip away.

Tim woke with a start, breathing heavily and his forehead beaded with cold sweat. It took him a moment to calm himself, and he stood up to look out the window. His head nearly touched the ceiling, for he was taller than any of the trio. With his ears he made sure all three of them were asleep, and he walked out the house quietly.

He walked till he found himself at the field he and his siblings used to play together, without worries. He sat on the roots of the tree, where there was also a spot for his brother. And where he could always see his sister playing with the flowers and hear her voice, singing with such a beauty.

It still brought memories, this place. Of his childhood, cut short because of a curse. To this day, he never knew of the deeds his parents did. The Trio refused to answer, and there was no way he could return home in this form. Have they forgotten their actions, perhaps? They seemed to have forgotten him as well.

A noise woke him from his internal thoughts — the shuffling of leaves and cracking of twigs. Soft, as if walked on by a lightweight. Slow, with no haste in those steps. A drawn breath, sudden and with a gasp. A red cloak, bright under the shades. A basket, empty.

And there she was, him looking straight into her eyes. She knew in her heart, this was someone familiar.

He tried to run off, tail between his legs, but she overcame fear to say aloud, "Wait!" One hand out reached, as if she could pull him back. Only this field of flowers was the distance between them. He didn't turn, yet he stood his ground.

Bella stepped forward, asking, "May I see your face?"

No reply. Tim's jaw was clenched tight. This she could not see.

"Please. I need to know if you are who I think you are." Desperation crept in her voice. The closer she got, the more she was certain. She just needed to see those eyes.

With much hesitance, Tim said, "I am simply a creature of the forest. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yet I must know. Please."

Fear. He felt it. But it was not hers; it was his own. What if she was to be scared of him? His eyes which were not normal. His ears which were not normal. And his teeth which were sharp.

She stopped just behind him, his physique towering over her petite figure. It felt truly familiar, standing behind someone as she was protected. Not just from the recent incident, but from a memory long ago. Long before the curse was set in.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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