Chapter 1

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A blond girl wearing a green hairband and a white dress ran around the field of flowers that was in the middle of a forest near a village. There were many kinds of flowers which she picked and made flower crowns. Each crown she made she placed carefully in a basket. Her brothers sat at the roots of a tree, where they rested from the sun.

Once she was done she ran to her brothers and sat in between them. She asked,"Is it okay if I sing?" Both brothers nodded, for they like hearing her singing, which was beautiful.

Look at the mansion

So black by day and dark by night

Hear the butler by the door

Where he says

"Don't bother 'bout me

Or even the mansion

So much in ruins

Hear the music played by 'im

The young master so melancholic

'E put 'imself to rest

With 'is bride

And welcomed death

Like no other"

Hear the butler at the door say

Hear closely to 'is words

Or wonder around the mansion

As large as a castle

And be lost in 'er hallways

As she sang, neither her nor her brothers noticed a dark magician approaching them. He wore a cloak that covered his face, but his blond locks were shown. He looked at them with sympathy and took out a wand with a star at the end.

"Let them learn

The deeds of their parents

Let them know

What their parents did

Let them have the punishment

That will affect none of them

But only their parents

Who did deeds unforgivable"

He waved his wand, and all three siblings looked at him. The girl was the first to run away, afraid. The brothers stood up and one of them asked,"Who are you?!" The magician said,"My name only you will know years later. Now, all you need to know is to repay the deeds your parents did. Let them learn from their mistakes."

"What mistakes!?" The other asked. He stepped back,"You will know by midnight, when the curse takes place." With another wave of his wand, he disappeared in a puff of smoke the colour of mint.

The brothers looked at each other, then only realizing their sister had ran away, and they both searched for her.

At sundown all three were back at their home, slightly dirty, but with no scratches.

They did the usual, which was dinner then to bed they went after they washed in the nearby river.

When midnight strike, and the full moon at its peak, all three siblings glowed with a faint light. One of them grew wolf ears and a tail which was grey with black streaks.

By morning, the parents drove him away, with the thought he a werewolf, but he wasn't. The sister cried in her brother's arms. Why it didn't seemed the magic affected them, actually it did, but it didn't show.

The brother with wolf ears ran to the forest and to the field they always played in and cried out,"Why!? Why is this happening to me!?" The magician, without his cloak appeared by his side,"If you are finding someone to blame, put it on your parents. They did things that hurt so many, they must learn or its the purgatory they'll end up in." The boy looked at him,"They don't want me."

"Because you are different. But I can accept you just how I accept other creatures not meant to exist. Come to my home and I shall care for you." The boy nodded, as he had nowhere to go.

The man then brought him to his house deep in the forest and protected with a spell. And because the boy is cursed, he was able to see the creatures in the refuge of the magician.

Unicorns, pixies, trolls. Creatures not meant to exist but did. The magician was greeted at the door by a man who had the curse to look like a vampire, who never revealed his real name and called himself Romania. His red eyes intimidated the boy, but wasn't soon, for those red eyes were filled with kindness and compassion.

"Welcome back, Arthur. It is done, right?" The magician 'Arthur' nodded,"Yes. Now we wait. And this boy will live with us, for his parents threw him out." The boy's wolf ears perked at the sound of footsteps, which was in the direction Romania was blocking.

Another appeared by Romania's side, and he wore what looked like a sailor outfit completed with a hat of the same colour which was light blue with a tinge of purple. His hair was blond like Arthur's, but lighter. With a monotone voice he asked,"Is this the boy you-" Arthur cut him off,"Yes."

"What's your name?" He asked as he crouched to the boy's level. The boy answered while holding his tail,"Tim."

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