Chapter 2

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All three siblings grew up, but separated. The sister, Bella, grew into a pretty and cute girl with green eyes and short wavy blonde hair. The brother, Luxembourg - or Lux for short - became a hunter, always wielding an axe and a rifle.

While the oldest brother, Tim, became a handsome man but quiet. He gained a scar above his right eye after a short accident while he was growing up with the three magicians, or the Magic Trio. He would always be found at the field, smoking a pipe, watching from the shadows as his sister would weave flower crowns while his brother will sit there listening to her singing.

But whenever they were at the field, her singing was always with a sad tone.

"If you were ever lost

Look for the light

The prince lighted

For 'is wife

'Er ghost roams the mansion"

The boy Tim - called Netherlands by the Magic Trio - would always leave after his siblings left. When he would always tell stories to them, they called his sister Belgium. But Lux not, for they felt it fitted him.

One day, Bella was asked to go to the neighboring village to buy some groceries. Why the other village? For they sell food with more quality. Which the parents wanted. The mother prepared a red cloak for her, which she had always wore, earning her the nickname Little Red Riding Hood since young.

The route she took was through the forest,where she felt most free. Her brother Lux wasn't with her for he was instructed to get firewood. And in silence Tim followed her. His ears were at full alert for any creatures that intended to devour her.

For the whole trip that was what he did, protecting his sister. Once he was almost seen by her, because of his long flowing scarf and tail. But luckily she thought no more of it. Tim had no want to be seen this way by his sister. Even when she was in the village he hid in the alleys.

On the trip back, it was nearly dusk, a worrying time. He knew there were real werewolves stalking through the night and possibly robbers.

When he thought it was all safe around, he was deathly wrong. Several werewolves appeared from the opposite side of the trail from where he had been hiding. Bella was too afraid to scream, nearly dropping the basket filled with food.

He cursed under his breath before stepping out of hiding, shielding his sister from the werewolves. He growled,"Stay away." When the alpha male spoke, it was in a language Bella did not understand, but Tim fully understood it. "Why? We just want a snack." Tim bared his teeth,"I said, stay away." A small werewolf at the back of the pack said, also in the unknown language,"He's the boy the dark magicians have in their refuge!" The alpha growled,"You're lucky, wolf boy. But once you're not around, we'll feast." And they left.

Tim waited for every werewolf to be out of sight. "W-Who are you?" Bella asked, still afraid. He glanced at her, but ran off without telling her.

But one thing made her curious of her savior. His cold sharp eyes.

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