Chapter 1 Bad Fish

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It's dark and damp. A watery smush happens with every step. The stars are out. It's a beautiful night. A straw shack with a warm fireplace. Holly i'm home! I brought fish! They're cooked! Enjoy them for me I'm going to bed, okay? "Thank you big sister, but when are you going to teach me so that I can fish all on my own?" Holly said. I thought you were scared of the fish. " I said. "Well I changed my mind so you have to take me tomorrow alright?" Holly said. "You changed your mind that fast huh?" I said with a chuckle. "I'll be sure to take you out when the next sunrises okay? " I said. "Really!" She exclaimed. "Really i'll take you now let me tuck you in!" I said.

Holly, wake up we need to go to the village to get you some angling gear okay? I want you to pick it out yourself. Are you excited? "I can't wait Aria!" Alright Alright i'll meet you outside, get decent and we will leave.

Back on the same path. I really miss the stars. It's a good thing they come visit me every night.

"Aria who are our parents?" I don't know either. My first memory is with you here a few years ago. I knew how to fish and do basic household chores. Enough to live a quite peaceful life and I was content with that. Are you content holly? "I am, it was just a curiosity, she said.

Snakes slither and bugs buzzed as we made it to town. It was hot and it smelled of dirt but the flowers and bees were always a nice thing to look at as we walked . An hour passed and we got to the Albertville . "What brings you and the girl to town young lady? The guard said." I've come to town at the request of my younger sister, she wants some angling supplies. "Very well you may enter. But behave for me now. He said with a toothy grin.'' He lowered the drawbridge and we walked across it glancing down at the water below.  The town was just as I remembered it. The streets full of children playing and merchants bartering with the locals. The coble streets were unusually clean and the guards stood eyeing every person entering.  "There it is sister, there it is! She said while pointing and jumping! The store's entry had you walk through a wooden carved fishes mouth and upon entry a beautiful assortment of carved and painted baits of all sorts of variety's hung in plain view and the rods were all hung in close proximity to the merchant. The floors a stained wood creaked with each step and from the ceiling, light flooded in from rooftop windows.

"What's your name, girl? The merchant said." Aria, and yours? "You can call me Orz. What are you looking for in my shop "boyo" anything catch your eye? There stood hanging behind the man a rod black and glossy with a bone hilt. "That black rod is very beautiful may my sister hold it?" "Of course here you are, Orz said." I felt a chill run up my arms as he handed it to Holly. I thought I heard someone greet me from behind but no one was there. " What do you think of it Holly? It is very beautiful in my eyes what about yours? I said." You heard my price what's your price sir? I spoke with the intent of politeness." "That is my prized rod. You have a good eye and for that I will offer you a special offer. Normally I would charge 4 gold pieces for a piece of this quality. But I have a dream of seeing the starlight fish before I die. No one knows where to find it how it reproduces only that it is said to be linked the stars and is extremely beautiful. It's said to be attracted to the fire of a young soul. An old man like we would just scare it off. I want to see it before I pass. Could you find it for me?"

"Well I must say you drive a hard bargain, I said with a toothy grin." "But well I'm always up for an adventure. I stated." "Consider it a deal then, Orz exclaimed." We shook on it then left.

We both ran as fast and hard as we could home. Me and Holly ran with the orange sun at our backs and cheap garbs adorned our frames. A swarm of insects sang for us and in that moment I could not be happier.

Holly and I sat on the dock, fireflies flew over the wooden dock as I wound the string on the fishing rod and holly wriggled around and jumped around unable to wait any longer.

"Calm down Holly you'll scare the fish away, Okay?" "I just can not wait any longer Aria. The wait is killing me. Please have mercy on me and hurry. She squealed." Finished with winding the beauty. There was only one thing left to do. It was to watch Holly cast it into the dark waters. The lake that had nourished us for years now. "Sis it's already pulling!"" REAL IT IN, HURRY,  I exclaimed!" Fish after fish we caught and released. Some big some small. Some green some blue. But none that where of the brilliant white color.

Wind started blowing extremely hard and I could feel the pressure in the air change. White. All of a sudden it was day again. I looked up and lightning branched out like a root of light. For a moment the world stopped and it was like my mind was blank.

A tree fell behind and the water of the river rippled. "Aria! Help!!! Holly screamed. Lightning struck and it formed the shape of a giant fish that radiated divinity as well as an aura of unease. The water had grabbed her and before I knew it she was gone. Along with the weather. The moon came out, and although I was already soaked. Tears still fell down my face as I was in disbelief as to what had just happened. There washed up on the shore was my sister covered in lightning shaped burns. "Holly wake up! I'm here Holly I'm here. Wake up. Wake up please.

Morning came and it was sunny out. The sky was mocking me with clear sky's. Birds chirped and it was a beautiful day as I collected. Twigs and sticks. My sister and myself lived together it was just us. She layed there I closed her eyes and layed the fishing rod I'd gotten here and lit the pile. It didn't feel real. This can't be real. This isn't fair. I can't. I can't. I can't. Goodbye Holly.

The crackle of the fire popped and popped as my sister burned. The cabin we shared a few feet away. Now I was alone. Staying there was peaceful. She burned away but somehow the rod remained.

Ringing. A ringing in my ear. I can't see. A burn on my arm. It was so cruel. Had someone snuck up on me? " Sacrifice accepted. Sacrifice accepted. You will now be granted the rights and powers of a candidate." " Wait what is happening. Who's  there?" " You will now be granted the mark."Transportation commencing in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1."

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