Chapter 4 Two Men

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 Running down the cobbled pathway the stars showed. I was headed back to Albertville. Torches are out. The guards are standing as tall as they can. I hid behind a bush before they could see me. The sun has already set. They will not be letting anyone else in tonight. "Maybe I can do that thing from before. Use the rod as a grappling hook." I thought.

I tried to make it appear and it did immediately. For some reason I thought that was going to be more difficult. I grappled up on top of the city wall. Silently I walked above Albertville. Torches were lit but the town was asleep. Guards were posted at the gates while a few stray guards were patrolling. "I should be able to get past them. Hopefully I'm not over confident." I thought.

Sneaking down the cold stone steps of the walls. My black boots hitting each step. My hands are slightly shaking. "Can I really do this? I'm so out of my place. How did I even find myself here?" I thought. "Holly, that's why I'm here." I whispered. A single tear ran down my face. Then I continued forward. One step at a time.

My eyes bloodshot and my hands shaking. Then I was at the entrance. The entrance of Orz's shop. The beautiful wood carved fish mouth that swallowed the door hole. Its face flickered because of the torches surrounding it. I opened the door. "Why is it unlocked?'' I Thought.

The inside of the place was dark. I peaked my head out of the door and snatched a torch. The equipment was still there. Everything was just as I had left it. The tall ceiling and the boat that hung from it.

Holly's smile haunted me. "That's where I got this thing. This cursed rod. I guess a cursed rod is fit for a cursed angler." I thought. A frown deepening on my face. "Why me. Why did it have to be me?" I wept. My eyes are inflamed. Flared up with large veins of blood screaming at my loss.

I went to the stairs behind the counter. The wood creaked with each step from my worn leather boots. A door painted white with a pearl handle stood at the top of the staircase. The handle was cold and creaked the door open and put my rod back in my mark. The bed was there but know one was in it. It was a humble abode.

I walked around his room. I stepped forward and a candle on his desk lit suddenly. Beside it was a letter sealed with a green wax stamp. The desk it sat on was modest but functional. The chair slid out. I felt drawn to it. I sat in the chair and ran my hand against the waxy seal.

I opened it and it read.

"Aria if you are reading this they have taken me. I fear if they say too much they will take you as well. I may not return although I hope I do. There is so much I want to tell. So much that I cannot tell you and for that I am sorry. I hope you and your sister are doing well!" The letter said.

I snapped and slammed the letter against the wall. "He must not have known. He must not have." I said hysterically. Sweat pouring down my brow. I slammed the table and the candle almost fell. I managed to catch it but it burned my hand. "Aghhh it burns?" I whispered. Fearful that someone would hear.

I sucked it up and continued to read.

"I had enjoyed meeting you and your younger sister. I saw life in you and thought that my prized rod needed a new home. It needed to be outside of this fading old man's private collection. Just hanging on a shelf. I wanted someone else to enjoy it. This was my mistake. Two hooded men came by a day after you left. I couldn't make out their faces. They spoke smoothly with a niceness that was hollow. They asked where the rod was. I told them it had been sold. They said to whom? I told them that I couldn't say frankly they were very unsettling. I left this note and fled after they began to imply that I better remember or there would be consequences. I recommend you flee as well with your sister. I left some supplies in the closet. You are free to use the shop. However I highly suggest you flee. I wish you the best."

"What is going on? Why do I have to be the one who has to go through this madness?" I whispered. I dragged my feet to the closet opposite to the desk. It had an obsidian handle. I put my hand on it and opened it.

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