Magic is within us

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The HEAT Team and the kids were in Kenya. They receive a call from Hicks saying that there was a mutation attacked but the mutant was found hurt by something else. They investigate the mutant that was an elephant and studies its injuries. Val was watching a pride of lions roaming by. Damien was having a staring contest with a rhino and the three girls were watching a herd of Zebras eating grass. "This is strange." Nick studies the mutated elephant.

"Damien is having a staring contest with a rhino? Yup, it's strange." Randy said.

"No, I was talking about the mutant elephant. It was attacked by something and it's not human or animal."

"So there's another mutant?" Elsie guessed.

"Could be," Nick mutters.

Val was walking around the jungle while the adults studied the injured mutant and waited for Hicks to transport it to Monster Island. Meanwhile, Damien and the rhino were still having a staring contest. Then Damien blows the rhino's eyes causing him to blink. The rhino lost and Damien won but that action caused the rhino to go mad and chase a screaming Damien. Quinn and Aggie chased after the two while Gem causally followed with her arms folded on the back of her head. Val saw a rock-like cave. She tilted her head and went inside. It was really dark so she activated her ball of light. She walked around the cave and saw claw marks on the wall. She looked at the wall and felt a huff behind her.

Val turns and meets a pair of purple reptilian eyes. Val backs away and sees the full form of the creature. It has the body of a wolf but is more dragonish with huge teeth like a sabertooth cat and piranha like canine teeth, four wings with blue neon stripes and an earwig like pincer tail and has spikes on the back of his neck. It's about the size of an adult male lion. It has red fur and scales and it has really sharp claws.

Val tilts her head and the creature tilts his head. He sniffs at her while she sniffs back and then a wet blue tongue licks her cheek causing her to giggle. Val hugs the snout of the creature as he slowly lifts her up. He puts her down gently as she pats his snout, "What's your name?"

The creature barks at her gently, "Your name is Jakal?"

The one named Jakal nodded, "Who is this to you?" Jakal looks at her eyes. Val looks at his eyes as she sees images of him as a young boy/ He was an innocent boy who was falsely accused of betrayal by a witch doctor and put a curse on him and turned him into an immortal creature called a Joka Wolf. As the images stopped, Val pats his nose, "You've been alone haven't you?" Jakal nodded.

"Do you know who attacked the mutant elephant?" Jakal barks, "You did it? Why?" Jakal barks again, "Because it was about to attack a pride of lions?" Jakal nodded. Val pats his head, "You're a good boy." Jakal made a growl-like purr as he licked Val's cheek again. Then he lowered himself and gestured to Val to get on. Val got on his back while being careful to avoid the spines and the next thing she knew. Jakal runs out of the cave before spreading his four wings and takes off. Val screams happily as Jakal zooms through the sky.

Down on the ground, Damien was clinging on a tree as an angry rhino glaring at him from below as he huffs angrily. Quinn and Aggie were trying to think of a plan to get the rhino away without Damien getting killed.

Gem, on the other hand, decides to rest on a big rock and ignores Damien's cry for help. Then they heard a howl from above. The rhino heard it and ran away. Damien climbs down the tree and looks at the girls looking at the sky in shock. Confused, Damien looks up and his mouth almost drops when he sees Val riding on a wolf with four wings. The wolf landed and Val slid off of his back and smiled at them.

"I made a new friend!" Val smiled.

They stared at them and sigh, "We should tell Nick about this." Quinn mutters out. Aggie nodded. Jakal lowered himself and the kids got on. Val was in front, Gem was behind her with Aggie, Quinn and Damien. Jakal spread his four wings and took off in full speed. Aggie and Damien screamed while Quinn cheered happily. Gem and Val were the only ones who were calm. They reached their destination and Jakal landed near HEAT and the military.

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