Chapter 4: A Beauty and a Badass?!

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Killua POV

Alluka was sleeping on my shoulder as we sat on y/n's couch, the tv still on. It was 22:00. Y/n had her elbow resting on the arm of the couch, and her chin fell off her hand while she was sleeping, so her head was resting on her upper arm. ...She looked angelic while asleep. Her h/l, h/c hair fell perfectly on her face.

.....I won't deny it. I kinda like her. But she tends to see all the flaws about herself, and not what makes her so beautiful. That's what gives me three emotions: Sympathy, anger, and sadness.

I smiled quietly to myself. Aah, what am I doing... Fussing this much about a girl I met last week... Have I become this soft...?

Should I wake her up...?

All of a sudden, a foot smacked against my hip. I looked at y/n and pulled my lips into a straight line. She seems to have the pleasure of hitting me now... "But it was in her sleep..." I quietly scolded myself.

"..... No it wasn't."

Y/n's voice forced me to look at her. She had her knees pulled up to her chest, and her lips were curved into a cute little grin. Her e/c held a tiny bit of mischief.

"Oh, so you woke up and kicked me?" I smirked and whispered, not wanting to wake my sister up.

"Exactly." Her smile disappeared. "Only now, I feel really hungry."

She silently moved from her previous position into a sitting one. Y/n put her two fists in the air and stretched her back. I watched over this with a slight smile.

Y/n lifted herself from the couch and tiptoed to the kitchen, where a dim light shone over the stove. She opened the cabinet, grabbed something, closed to cabinet, and came back with a small box.

"Frosted animal crackers; want some?" She offered.

"I'll see what I think." I watched her open the box, and hand me one. I popped a vanilla frosted one in my mouth. "Mm. Pretty good."

Before swallowing an animal cracker, she nodded in agreement.

Then, I got a mischievous idea. "Hey, y/n?" I asked in a syrupy voice. As I expected, that got her attention completely. There was even a blush on her face! "W-what?"

"Throw one in my mouth."


"I'll catch it, don't worry."

"As if I'm worried about that. I'm just worried about whether you'll do something stupid or not."

I smirked. "Oh nooo..."

Y/n had her eyes narrowed, and kept her piercing e/c eyes on me as she dug her hand into the box, and pulling out a strawberry frosted cookie.

She slowly lifted her hand and threw the cookie. It landed on my tongue. Y/n's eyes brightened when she saw the cookie on my tongue. I chewed the cookie.

"Again." I whispered. She nodded quickly and threw another cookie into my mouth. After that, she giggled lightly. It made me smile.

"One more time!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next morning...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke to find myself laying down on something. I knew it wasn't a pillow. But it was soft, like a pillow. And there were two of them. They smelled sweet, like perfume. The feeling and smell almost drifted me back to sleep, until I finally gathered up the willpower to push myself up.

And, I found out what I was laying on... And it left me speechless. I was... Laying on y/n's chest. No, I mean, her CHEST.

I took in a deep breath. They...were an appropriate size for a girl her age, but which one of us had fallen asleep first?! Please tell me it was her! No, I would have remembered if she had fallen asleep first.

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