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“How many times have I told you not to go anywhere  without informing me". “You could get hurt". “ I"m fine dad, you don't need to be worried". “Of course I have to, can't you see it's already late. You need to be more careful darling",he advised. “I thought you have your guys to protect me",she asked. “Yes I do but how will they protect you when you keep sneaking out",he asked. “Whatever dad". “My night was awesome, a random guy just helped me. I was already in trouble befo......".  “Did anyone hurt you?",he asked. “No dad, no one did. I went to the club and some piece of shit wanted to dance with me but I refused. I wasn't in the mood anyways. So they wanted to force me but the random guy just showed up and kicked their ass",she explained. “Wow really!they dare not harm you cause if they do I'll send Duane and the boys to trace them and finish them up",he boasted. “Whatever dad, I wish mom was here to keep me busy. I really missed her dad",she cried hugging her. “We all do dear, I missed her a lot, you know her smiles and her beauty. I think you got your beauty from her that's why no reasonable man can resist you",he teased her. “Stop it dad". “Well just get inside and take a shower, rest your head and sleep. I have work to do",he said to her calling a number on his smart phone. “Dad! You are always working, you don't have enough time for me",she complained. “Don't feel sad dear, work first but don't get me wrong". “Good night dad",she barged into her room. He quickly called a number on his phone. It rang the first time and no one answered. He called the number again and placed it one his hear. “Hello Russell",a voice spoke softly. “Why didn't you pick up the first time",he inquired. “I didn't s....". “Cut the crap", he cut him short. “So how is my deal going?",he asked. “Well, I haven't really figured out the exact day they are moving the cash, but in no distant time I will find out",he promised. “You haven't what... I have given you enough money to carry out this little quest and you can't",he barked at him. “It's not as easy as you think, I can't keep on pestering them, it will be suspicious. And I never said I can't carry out the quest, it's just a little quest; besides when they fix a date they will definitely let me know. So just relax". “Well, I just wanted to remind you in case you've forgotten what we bargained on". “How can I forget our deal, that's not possible". “I have already bought the weapons I need on that day. It will be a massacre if they prove stubborn", he said as he cut the call.

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“Get the rope off him",he ordered. “But b....". “Untie him", he ordered. “Yes boss", he said, cutting the rope with his knife. He stood on his feet. “Ryan is this really you!",he moved towards him and hugged him tightly. They hugged for few seconds. “What's going on here boss", one of them asked. “Well, this is the guy I've been telling you guys about", Williams reminded them.“Oh..  you mean your favourite then?",one of them asked. “Yes". “It's good to see you boss",Ryan cried. “I thought you were dead, I mean.. I remembered four of you went in and the reporter said three were found dead, I didn't understood it at the moment but...just explain boss",he inquired. “I will, let me introduce you to my new crew". “Well, this is Ryan Curtis, the guy i told you about". “This is Paul". “Nice to meet you Paul", he shook hands with him. “Welcome brother". “Thanks man". “This is Evelyn",he said as she eyes Ryan. He introduced him to them one by one. Those were the ones available at the moment anyway,he has more crew. They both walked towards a couch and sat down. “So tell me what happened that day in the bank". "Oh that day",he scoffed. “Well before then, I have been planning to get rid of those assholes when I later discovered that they were nothing more than some piece of greedy motherfuckers". “So after devising a means of getting rid of them, that's why I said we should rob that Bank". “I made them go in first so they could destroy the cameras before I come in. Robert and I was the last remaining. I shot him because he wanted to kill me after I pretended to be injured. After that I took the cash and ran out through the fire exit",he explained. “That's smart of you boss". “You can say that again",he smiled. “What about you, you haven't really told me everything about you before you joined me, and you promised me you will". “Alright boss",Ryan said. “It's a long story though",he added. "“Then make it short".
   “You know I was in college then about to write my final exams. My mom couldn't afford the fees in time. My dad has been dead long time when I was about five years old". “My elder brother, Duane gave me the exam fee few days later. I never knew where he got the money from, though I asked but he didn't tell me. When I finished writing my exams, I ran home to give my brother and my mom the good news". “My mom was at home, I told her that my exams are over. My brother wasn't at home anyway,we waited for his arrival but he didn't show up till evening, when we turned on the television set". He was on the news. The news reporter said that he was caught in the act of armed robbery. He was arrested and was to be transferred to a police station in another city the following day". “My mom was baffled, she quickly ran outside. She wanted to visit the nearest police station to find out more about his son's whereabout".he paused and continued. “I followed her, she crossed the road and before I could follow her, a black saloon car hit her. She couldn't survive the hit. The car stopped and the driver came down, he had a scar on his left cheek. It seems that the cops were chasing them. I could also see someone inside the car, he persuaded him to get inside. He left my mom to die without helping her. He drove off. My mom was rushed to the hospital after the cops that were chasing those hoodlums stopped and helped her. She couldn't survive and I didn't even heard of my brother again", he cried; tears rolled down his cheek. “Don't worry Ryan, you have a new family now",he consoled him. “Yea.. thanks boss". “What about you boss, how much did you take from the bank, because I know you wouldn't burn the cash after taking such risk". “You're smart and I love that". “The total amount of money is more than fifty million dollars". “Fifty what.. that's a whole lot of cash boss", he said. “Yes it is, you know I used some to travel to this city, build the club and you know some other expenses but I still have a lot of cash". “Wow, but boss, since you already have millions of dollars why still run a gang. I mean you have enough cash you know",he asked. “Yes I do, no cash is enough", Williams explained. “I am still running it for a reason". “When I was a teenager, my father was arrested for a crime he didn't commit. He was framed. When he was arrested, I met him at the station. He explained everything to me. He told me how he received a call from his best friend. His friend deal miner, gold miner. He told me how he went to his house. He knocked but no one responded. He opened the door. The door was not locked. He saw a parcel on the wooden table beside him with a paper that has a writing on it which says ‘This is for you '. He opened it and found a pistol. He took it and noticed one of the room door was slightly opened. He walked inside and found his friend in his pool of blood. His treasure box has been emptied. He quickly ran outside and found the cops outside. It seems that someone had called them. He told him to drop the gun. He had even forgotten that he had a gun in his hand. He dropped the gun on the floor and knelt down, raising both hands in the air as instructed by the cops. He tried to explain to the cops as they handcuff him. They had the gun tested for finger prints and found his own prints. After further investigation he was charged guilty. The guys that framed him seems to be experts. They sentenced him to death by electrocution. That night...". “What about your mom?",Ryan cut him short. “According to my dad, she died after giving birth to me". “So sorry about that". “It's fine". “That night",he continued. “I was at home alone, I heard footsteps from outside. I could hear some voices whispering some words I couldn't comprehend, but I heard just one thing; “We have to kill him". Immediately I heard that I ran towards the kitchen and mistakenly hit some kitchen utensils. The sound alerted them and they forced the door open". “Before they could get hold of me, I was already few metres ahead of them, I already used the back door. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. They chased me and I didn't have a choice but to keep running cause if I stopped then I am already in the grave". “I ran inside a bush I saw in front of me, i hid in a deep hole in front of me, covered with few grass. “We don't have to loose him", one of them said. They seems to be two in number. “What do we tell the boss now, he said we should eliminate him and leave no trace since we have framed his father",the other said. “His father was a bait, well he was unlucky though,so is his son", the other added. “I was still there and they were very close to me, any little movement from me would cause my death", Williams explained. “We are the Tiger Nest and one of the deadliest gang in the world", I heard one of them said. “We have to tell the boss that we killed him, because our boss Russell is a no nonsense man",the other said. “Alright", the other replied. “They waited for a while before leaving". “I was still in the hole cause I wasn't too sure if they had fully gone. I slept off without knowing. When I woke up I found myself laying on a bed. I looked around and saw a man sitting beside me". “Don't kill me",I begged him. “You would have been dead for a long if I really wanted to kill you",he said to me. “ Thanks",i appreciated him for not killing me. “What really happened",he asked me. I explained everything to him. His mood changed when he heard the name Russell from my mouth. He told me his own story. How he had worked for Russell in the gang, and he mistakenly stepped out if line. Russell killed his daughter which was his only family. He managed to escape. I felt sorry for him. From that day, I took him as my father and he also in return took me as his son. He taught me a lot of things, how to run a gang and many more. Few months past, he became ill. He said few things to me on his sick bed. “We have a common enemy", he said to me. “He said I should help him fulfill our dream. Avenge his daughter and my father. He died in few days time and I took over from him”. “So now you know why I still run a gang, and few other reasons", Williams concluded his story. “Wow, I have heard you boss". “I want you to join me fulfill my dream", Williams pleaded. “Come on boss, I am always here for you. I will definitely help you",he promised. “Thanks mate". “And I pray that you should find your brother if he is alive", Williams prayed. “Thanks boss"

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