Chapter 10 - Mald

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The soft rain has ended.

The skies are clear.

Celia Oudwin sits down among the rubble. She takes a deep breath, taking in the air around her.

It smells of smoke and corpses.

What had led to this? Since she had woken up, she only remembered walking among the remains of Ragna.

No, no, this couldn't have happened. Nothing could have caused Ragna to be reduced to this state. Gra Valkas couldn't have been defeated like this.

This had to be a dream. But she knew what dreams were like. This wasn't one.

Maybe she had died? Maybe this was her hell.

No. She was alive. And everyone around her was dead. Celia Oudwin was the last person alive in the Gra Valkas Empire.

She looked back at the Nivles Castle, or what remained of it. The flag of Gra Valkas still flew above it, although tattered and paled. The flag was severely damaged, littered with tears and holes.

Celia Oudwin felt a very strong emotion. Anger. Anger that something had reduced Gra Valkas and Ragna to this. Anger that something was able to so easily destroy the dream of Gra Valkas.

She remembered now. The hideous monstrosity had risen from the ocean. It had destroyed everything in its path.

She screamed. She screamed as hard as she could, a guttural, terrifying scream devoid of hope.

She screamed so hard that she began to slowly bald. Faster and faster, hair left her head.

She was literally fucking malding.

A loud boom silenced her. A nearby 600-pound (270 kg) bomb suffered a malfunction and detonated without any prior warning.

Celia Oudwin was instantly killed by the blast, her body torn apart and mangled beyond recognition. Her corpse spilled gore and blood onto the rubble.

Haha, I just killed Celia. What the fuck are you going to do about that, reader? You horny bastard.

Meanwhile, in Japan.

A man bursts into Prime Minister Raiden's office.

"Sir! We need to completely obliterate a nation!"

"What the fuck, why?"

"Because we have to? If we don't completely decimate a nation soon in a nonsensical absurd way, this shitty mediocre fanfiction will stop being bad!"

"Ah, fuck, you're right. I guess I'll just gather a bunch of random nations and spin a wheel to choose. Man, we haven't killed hundreds of millions of people in a while, so I better get going."

2:37 PM, Japan Standard Time

Prime Minister Raiden sits in his office. In front of him is a prize wheel that will decide which nation will have its entire population brutally killed.

Raiden spins the wheel.

It comes to a stop.

It landed on the Holy Milishial Empire.

Take that, you stupid fucking arrogant snobs.

Meanwhile, in the Holy Milishial Empire

Milishial VIII sits on his throne in Albion Castle. His face is buried in his hands.

Nobody knew what was going on, but it wasn't good. Their contacts in Louria, Parpaldia and a dozen other nations weren't responding. And when they sent out scouts, all the reports that came back were insane.

Mu and other Milishial allies had reported that they had similar experiences.

Nations with their entire population simply erased? Nations that were just gone? What was going on?

The Ministry of Intelligence had been working overtime to try to find out what was going on, compiling evidence and images of the barren wastelands that some of the victim nations had turned into. They even had samples of the urine that had killed everybody in Parpaldia.

Was it the Ancient Sorcerous Empire? Were they back?

Maybe the Holy Milishial Empire was next.

Milishial VIII was not allowed to complete his thought as his consciousness was abruptly erased. Over 2 million antimatter bombs scattered throughout the Holy Milishial Empire were detonated at the same time, each bomb costing above 60 billion dollars and able to completely annihilate a large city.

The entirety of the Holy Milishial Empire was gone. There was nothing left. Nothing at all.

But it wasn't only the Holy Milishial Empire that was gone, no, the bombs were enough to completely erase the entirety of the Mirishient Continent. The Central World was gone.

This included the Holy Milishial Empire, as well as Meerky, Emor, Torquia, Central Kingdom, Agartha, and everyone else living in the Mirishient Continent.

But the destruction went beyond that. Parts of the peninsula of the Vestal Continent were erased.

The nation of Marl in the Philades Continent was split in half. People woke up seeing nothing on the other side.

Much of the islands around the Mirishient Continent were gone. Even parts of Mu were touched.

Billions of people gone in an instant.

They should've coped harder.

Anyways, here is a map that shows what is left.

Anyways, here is a map that shows what is left

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