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"Wake up! Come on lazy asses, let's goooo! We're going to leave you here!" That was Liam. I could tell it was Liam. He sounded too awake and judging by the amount of light in the room, it was still basically dark out.

"Ahh, what do we have here Nialler? Canoodling with Avery?"

I opened my eyes wide and looked up, there stood Liam, Louis and Zayn poking at us. I looked down and sure enough, Niall had wrapped his arms around my waist and was sleeping with his face in my neck. I saw Harry standing over by the hotel door. I quickly turned over and shook Niall to wake him up.

What I didn't realize was I was still only in a bralette. I remember my stupid nightmare and how I had to take my shirt off, and upon this discovery, I looked at the floor and my shirt was still flung on the floor, and Niall's shirt was on the bed. This does not look good does it?

"Where are your clothes?!" I heard Zayn shout.

I sat there rubbing my eyes trying to figure out what time it was.

"Long story," I said yawning. Before I could do anything Louis jumped on the bed to wake up Niall.

I uncovered myself and stood up, I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it on my body. It was still damp. "Are we leaving now or do I have time to work out?"

"Rudy said in an hour, we just know how impossible it is to wake Niall up some days, plus we couldn't even find him so that caused a whole fiasco."

"Okay, well I'm going to work out quick, I'll meet you on the bus in an hour."

I quickly grabbed my workout clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. I could feel eyes on me. I know they were thinking something happened with us. I don't really care what they think.

I left my room, all the guys still in there now laying on the bed on their phones, I made my way to the gym and hit the stair master first. I was timing myself so I wouldn't be late getting to the bus. I pushed myself extra hard today, just remember I devoured that fast food last night made me go even harder, I know I threw it up but the fact that I gave in pissed me off.

My alarm for my watch went off, shit. I don't even have time for a shower. I quickly ran to my room to get my suitcase, my phone was ringing, I was going a mile a minute trying to get all my shit together. I knew I should've left sooner but I had to finish my workout.

I ran downstairs and made my way through the creepy parking garage. Relief hit me when I finally saw the bus and the guys waiting outside.

"We about left you," Harry said as he stood leaning against the bus.

"Don't listen to him, we wouldn't leave you," Liam said.

"Where were you? I was calling you?" Niall said as I made my way up the stairs, drenched in sweat.

"I was working out," I subtly wiped my forehead off, I was soaked.

"Holy shit why are you sweating so much?" I heard Zayn say, great, they were all standing around me.

"Because I worked out?", I looked at my watch, "And because I just burned over a thousand calories before 7 am, so if you guys would excuse me, I need a shower."

I walked away from them quickly. I went to the back of the bus where my room was and grabbed a new change of clothes. I was just going to wear a tank top and leggings, I knew we would be in Orlando in a few hours.

After cleaning myself off and applying my makeup I went to my bed and laid down. I opened my computer to check my email. Still nothing, not a single fucking email from any potential employers.

I went to the search engine and looked up what degrees made the most money and which were needed most right now. Of course, my degree was on that list.

I found a college where I could get the rest of the credits I needed for interior design. It was similar to my degree, but it may be more fun. I could still work for clients. I submitted my application so I could see if I could finish the classes needed for it.

I heard a knock at my door, I was just sitting on my bed reading up on the school when I was told we were now in Orlando. That three hours flew by. I guess that's why we leave so early, we miss some of the bad traffic.

"Hey, we're there." I heard Zayn tell me.

"Where are all the other guys at?" I asked looking around the bus.

"They all went back to sleep, help me wake them up."

Zayn is a sleeper, like he sleeps hard and he sleeps a lot, so him being awake was so different.

I shook Liam's arm and woke him up, Zayn took Louis. Then he went to Niall and I was left with Harry. I was surprised he didn't have a girl smuggled into his bunk. I shook his arm.

"Harry, we're there, wake up." He turned over and pulled his blanket over his head.

"Okay, looks like we'll be going to the beach without you."

I walked away and he sat up.

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