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I woke up, I shot up quickly. I looked around and it was only 3am. It was still dark out. I was sweating, I was panting. The dream I had was insane. You probably think I had a terrible, super bad dream? No. Well, not really. I had a dream about Zayn and I. Doing things. I looked over and our pillow wall was down and Zayn was sleeping facing me, his long lashes, dusted his cheeks below them. Seriously why do guys get the best lashes? His hand was just far enough on my side that I may have been laying on it.

I was blushing remembering what we were doing in the dream. There was a lot of touching, not just kissing. I looked down again at Zayn's hand and I could see his fingers lightly twitching in his sleep. I laid back down and tried to keep my distance from him. I tossed and turned for a good five minutes.

Images of my dream just kept rolling through my head. Suddenly I felt his hand reach out to grab my arm, "What's wrong? You've been moving around like crazy?"

I couldn't talk, my mouth was frozen.

"Avery?" He said looking up at me.

I wouldn't look at him, I could feel my cheeks and they were on fire.


"You good?" He asked sitting up a little bit.

"Yeah," I mumbled out, I laid back down on the bed and pulled the blankets over my head.

"What are you doing?" He said pulling the blankets off of me and then I noticed it, he was gently caressing my arm with his fingers, it's like he did it without even knowing, like it was something he did all the time.

And now my arm felt like it had flames on it, all because of those stupid fingers.

He turned me over to face him, "What's going on?" I could barely understand him with his sleepy voice, and please tell me how the fuck this guys morning breath still smells like he ate an entire bottle of mint toothpaste. This is not helping.

I looked up and saw his dark brown eyes, somehow they were still twinkling even though it was close to being pitch black in my room.

"Hey?" He said to me again, this time he turned my head to face him by putting his hand under my jaw.

"What?" I asked. Not realizing I hadn't been talking at all.

I was getting ready to reply to him when he came down to my level and leaned in and kissed me. I immediately froze. There's no way we were both thinking of doing this at the same time.

At first it felt like he was just giving me a gentle, friendly kiss, like we did in the hotel room to piss the other guys off. This one started off sweet like that, but I don't know what happened the next thing I knew, Zayn was leaning into me harder, he seemed more into it than he had the other night. I reciprocated the kiss back to him, it was like my dream was starting to come true, I was trying to decipher dream versus reality.

He had moved from his side of the bed over to me, he was now climbing on top of me and still kissing me. He looked at me, we were both panting, "Is this okay?" He asked looking at me. I shook my head yes towards him and pulled him back down towards me. I felt his hand go under my shirt, I immediately got goosebumps from the sudden touch, he gently rubbed my skin where the goosebumps were. He brought his other hands to the other side of my shirt, "Is this okay?" I shook my head yes again, he then gently removed my shirt and I was only in a sports bra and shorts. No big deal, right? I work out in the same amount of clothes, right? I was trying to rationalize everything. With this whole plan to get back at Harry and Niall, we would have to be doing stuff like this a lot more, so who cares if we do it when they don't know about it.

I felt his lips go down my neck, thankfully not putting anymore hickeys on it. The heat was getting to be too much, I needed contact from him. Skin to skin contact.

I reached down and grabbed his shirt and tried lifting it off his head. He could sense I was struggling, so he reached down and yanked it off himself. He immediately went back to kissing my lips. He was the best kisser I've ever met. He knew exactly what to do to make it feel good just to get kissed.

He ran his lips down my chest, more goosebumps. He looked back up at me with a smile, not a smirk but a real smile and he put his lips to mine and kissed me.

I pulled away from him so he would go back to kissing my body. I started running my hands over his back, I lightly grazed over his back with my nails and I could tell he got chills from that small act. He was now at my belly button, I felt him play with the barbell in my belly button piercing, "Hmm, pretty hot," I heard him say and then he kissed it. Jake never, ever acted like this at all. He was a hit it and quit it guy. He always wanted me to give him what he wanted, and like an idiot, I just did it so he would shut up and get off me.

I felt his fingers in the sides of my shorts, he was sliding them down, centimeter by centimeter. I kept kissing him, I pulled him down onto me a little more, our kiss deepened. I could feel my short now at my ankles, "Is this okay?" He was asking permission before everything, I respected that. I shook my head yes, but it was coming out as a rather impatient noise mixed with some quick nodding.

I could feel his lips grazing my hip bone, he was kissing all the way up from my hip bone, then my rib, then he was up to my breast. My stomach was doing summersaults. He pulled the top part of the bra down just enough to see more skin, he placed his lips on me and started kissing, then sucking, and I just knew he was leaving a hickey on my boob. Normally I would complain about this but it felt so amazing the way he was doing it.

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